"Fitz didn't tell you? We asked him to tell you we were stopping by today" Sophie says with a pointed look at Fitz. He looks sheepish. "But judging by his facial expression he forgot" she sighs. 

"Is Ro here?" Biana asks. "She said she was changing her hair again and I wanted to see what color she went for" she says as she stands up and walks over to them. Followed by Fitz and I, our hands still intertwined. 

"Yes she is" I hear from the door way.

There stands a tall lumpy creature with short choppy neon yellow pig tails. It wears a metal bra and spiked metal bikini bottoms. It must be a girl. She has rows of daggers on her thighs and waist. She has a nose ring just like mine, but spikey. Her skin is muscley and looks like you could pop it with a fork. Which is exactly what I try. 

I walk over to her and lightly stab her quad. It doesn't pop. Every one goes silent. I laugh sheepishly.

"Sorry, intrusive thoughts won" I say with a shrug. I toss the fork back to the table. It slides off onto the other side. "Great" I say with an eyeroll as I slip off my shoes. 

I slide over to it and pick it up. I set it on a plate and try to slide back over. Try. I slide into a chair and we both go hug the floor. 

"Umm, is she ok? Like mentally?" the creature asks. I just put a thumbs up as I groan. Fitz walks over to offer me his hand. I just grab it and make no attempt to get up. 

"You coming up?" he asks. I shake my head no. He ends up pulling me up. I just slump against him. 

"The chair beat me up" I say into his arm which is where my face is pressed against. There is not possible way to describe how amazing he smells. 

A bit like a forest with a hint of something else. Almost like a spicy cinnamon. It's warm and inviting. 

"I'm gonna like this girl" the creature laughs. "I'm Ro by the way" she says as Fitz walks me back over to the rest of group.

"Berk, Minnesota Berk" I say with a British accent. "I'm Keefe's sister" I tell her. 

"Ah so your the little squirrel he was telling me about" she ponders. 

"Squirrel?" I ask him with a menacing stare.

"Eh, yeah?" he rubs the back of his neck. "You always get distracted and seem to be in your own world. Plus you can't handle silence. So I thought squirrel fit?" he shuffles his feet awkwardly. 

"Fair" I tell him. He's not wrong. "Anyway what are we doing today?" I ask as I slip my shoes back on. 

"You sing?" Ro asks suddenly. Her eyes are wide as she looks from Keefe to me. 

"Yeah, why?" I asks as I wear a confused expression. 

"Oh nothing. It's just this one here can't sing a lick" she says as he ruffles his hair. "Would you mind singing something? I know that's really random, but I love hearing elves sing. Ogres can't" she says with a sigh. 

"Sure!" I reply happily. "Any suggestions?" I ask. 

"Anything you'd like, hun" she says back. 

"Get ready I'm about to blow you mind" I say cockily as I crack my knuckles. 

"I don't do well if I'm kept behind an office desk inside 

It makes me loose my mind 

Which wanders endlessly where all the birds fly freely 

Lay with their silhouettes 

In perfect symmetry 

I got a pocketful of poetry 

I've got a head full of songs 

A heart with wings 

You couldn't tie me down to anything 

And that's enough for me 

I draw doodles of eccentric faces 

In the margin spaces of important papers 

Then I hand them in with a comedic grin 

They ask if I need help

Oh where do I begin? 

I got a pocket full of poetry 

I've got a head full of songs 

A heart with wings 

You couldn't tie me down to anything 

And that's enough for me 

People are good lovingly they tell me 

Do as you should all will be well they say 

Life is a test please give the best answer 

A or B or C pick one instantly 

What if there's so much more to me? 

I've got a pocketful of poetry 

I've go a head full of songs 

A heart with wings 

You couldn't tie me down to anything

And that's enough for me" I sing. I spin around at the end, nearly loosing my footing. "And yeah" I say at the end. They all look at me strangely. "What?" I ask with a nervous giggle. 

Fitz pulls me against his side and gives a small kiss to the side of my head. I look up at him with my cheeks a bright red. 

"That was really good" he says with a small grin. I grin back. 

"Thanks!" I say back with excitement. "So not what you were expecting? I'm pretty positive human music is very different from elfin music" I tell Ro. 

"Yeah, but it was refreshing. I liked it. And your much better at singing than your brother. It tortures me every time he's in the shower. He just won't shut up" she says with  a groan. I laugh.

"Come on, we're going shopping to get your school supplies" Keefe grumbles as he grabs Ro's arm to lead her away. We all laugh at his antics before we walk to the room with the teleporting crystal chandelier thing. 

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