Chapter 1 - In the beginning

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"Why are you crying?"

The pale human lifted her head up from her hands, gazing at the angel who has just prompted her. Her eyes widened, eyebrows squeezed together as she eyed him carefully. He leaned his head in with a slight smile. She backed up a bit, her confused expression melting into a defensive glare.

Looking away, she rubbed the back of her neck and hummed softly as she carefully put together an answer. Or better yet a question. "Who..are you?"

She stared intently at the angel, who was hovering over her, as he sat down in front of her. He beamed and mimicked her posture, "I'm Lucifer! One of Gods angels. Charmed to meet you...?" He offered her a hand as his voice trailed off, hinting towards the human that it was now her turn to share her name.

"Lilith." She replied and took his hand. Lucifers boldness startled her to say the least, Lilith was only used to Adam's laid back personality. This was very different. That's what alarmed her. Surely since he's assertive, would he be bossy and send her back to eden?

The angels bright grin melted into a soft smile. Her voice was like the sound of morning sunshine on a lakes view, soothing and tender. "Let me ask you again Lilith," he scooted closer and rested his head on his knee, "why were you crying?"

"I was created as an equal to my husband, Adam, yet he demanded for more control over me," She responded with a sigh. Frowning, her gaze dropped to floor.

"I see...did he get mad when you didn't want to give in? Did he kick you out? Is that why you are here all alone?"

Lilith glimpsed back up at Lucifer as she noticed his tone was no longer filled with curiosity, it was rather quite snaky. Her tight lined lips melted and she shook her head no. The angel nodded.

"Thank goodness!" He laughed but then paused. "Well- er, not thank goodness as in your situation is uh- good- no! Reasonable? I mean! It is reasonable! Well, your reaction is- I-I get why you're upset but what I'm trying to say is...uhhh...," The angel blushed profusely as he became a stammering mess. "Thank goodness...he didn't...kick you out!" Lucifer snapped his fingers in triumphed and smirked. Success!

Throwing her head back, Lilith bursted into roaring laughter. She clenched her bare stomach and was unable to compose herself. Lucifer joined in awkwardly. Their heads shook together in amusement, not in sync but rather in rhythm. Their amusement grew down and Lilith gazed back into his eyes. "And...if he did?" She asked with few giggles slipping out.

"Then I would speak to the big man about it!"

Lilith hummed, pleased with the response, and leaned in. The space between there bodies grew less and less with every interaction. Lucifer cleared his throat. "'re a leader type of person, huh?"

"Why submit to others when we are all capable of making decisions that are insightful, meaningful, and creative. We can thrive powerfully with communication, yes, but we shouldn't shush others voices in order to do so. Why not build a community where everyone has a purpose, a dream, and a mark on this world."

The angels eyes widened. Her response wasn't what he expected at all. He never, not even for one second, took her for a blank canvas but her response just blew his mind. He felt heard. He felt understood. His jaw was slacked and Lucifer was unable to move, keeping his gaze fixated on her.

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