twenty | dress

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Freshman Year | Semester Two

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" Maya asks as she looks at her parents who were definitely avoiding eye contact with her and Leighton.

"Um well, it's your birthday," Maya's mom says.

"Wow Maya, that uh that dress is really short," her dad points out.

"It is," Maya replies as she tries to tug it down and tries very hard not to think of the fact that she was kind of hoping Leighton would rip it off of her, "I um – Leighton I were at the Planetarium."

"You wore that to the Planetarium?" her dad asks.

"We were dressing up for the stars?" Maya asks. Her parents stare at her and Maya sighs, "Okay we were on a date."

"Date!" Montes and Hugh exclaim at the same time, their tone not indicating excitement.

Leighton points her thumb toward the door, "I um I'm just gonna go."

"What? Why?" Maya asks as she looks at Leighton.

"I think you and your parents need some time to talk," Leighton says, honestly ready to flee from the room. She knew that Montes and Hugh were not big fans of hers, especially not after what happened during Parent's Weekend.

"I don't think we do," Maya says as she looks over at her parents, "I mean yes, it is my birthday and I am now nineteen but honestly, it's not even a real birthday, like what can I do at nineteen that I couldn't do before, you know? So, we can go out to dinner later! Um did you guys book a hotel?"

"Well yes-" her father begins.

"Great! Why don't you two check in and we'll see each other in the morning!" Maya suggests.

"How about – no," Montes responds.

Maya nods her head slowly, "I did see that response coming."

"Leighton, thank you for bringing Maya home safely but we need to have a conversation with her," Montes says, her tone very frosty. Leighton had once been a second daughter to Maya's parents, she couldn't blame them for not being exactly warm to her after everything that Leighton had done.

"Maya," Leighton says, "I had fun tonight."

Maya looks at Leighton with sad eyes. She honestly didn't want her to go and she honestly didn't want their evening to end like this. Maya looks at her parents and then back at Leighton. She doesn't think twice as she cups Leighton's cheeks and pulls her in for a kiss. As soon as their lips touch, Leighton's hands are on her hips. Maya hears her father clear his throat uncomfortably and she smiles into the kiss.

When she and Leighton part, she looks at the blonde with a smile, "Goodnight Leighton."

Leighton fights a smile, "Goodnight Maya."

Leighton doesn't dare steal a glance at Maya's parents before heading out of her room. Maya sighs as she watches Leighton walk out of her room she looks over at her parents, crossing her arms over her chest as she looks at her parents.

"What do you guys want?"

"Excuse me?" her mother asks, "You may be nineteen but you sure as hell aren't grown. Uncross those arms!"

Maya uncrosses her arms and ducks her head, "Sorry."

"Now," Montes says, "We came here to surprise you for your birthday since it would be your first away from home. We did not know you were on a date and had no intention of interrupting it."

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