thirteen | the archer

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Freshman Year | Semester One

The coolest squad at Essex College was gathered in the dining hall as Kimberly told them of what happened as she cheated on her midterm econ exam. Maya and Leighton sat beside one another in a friendly manner because they were friends. They texted each other as friends, watched movies together as friends, and ate ice cream as friends. There was no relationship as platonic as theirs.

While Leighton and Maya were platonizing it up, Maddox and Whitney were picking it up in the chemistry department. They were the ones exchanging longing looks and it was Whitney's hand that lingered in Maddox's lap too long.

Bela and Kimberly were also there. Their relationship was purely platonic. They didn't really have any romance going for them at the moment either. Kimberly and Nico were history and Bela hadn't found anyone with abs to lick in weeks.

Back to Kimberly's confession. The girls stared at her in absolute shock. Maybe Bela would cheat, maybe Whitney. Maddox looks like the type but she was smart, so were Leighton and Maya but the smartest (or nerdiest) of their clique was definitely Kimberly so they were all in shock.

"You fucking cheated?" Bela asks in shock.

Leighton stares at Kimberly, "But you're like a nerd."

"I don't know guys, is she?" Whitney asks, "She's cheating on tests, trying to bang a dude on a teacher's desk? I think she's like a bad girl."

Maddox chuckles, "Nerds gone wild."

Leighton snickers at the comment and Maya slams her foot down on Leighton's toe, causing her laughter to quickly change to coughs.

"I think what everyone is trying to say is that you're smart Kimberly and this behavior is surprising," Maya states.

"You are such a mom," Leighton mutters.

"That's why I did your mom last night," Maya retorts, and Bela and Maddox giggle at the comeback.

"That's not funny," Leighton responds.

"Your mom thought I was hilarious," Maya responds.

"Okay, how old are you?" Leighton asks.

"Old enough to do your mom," Maya states as she pretends to drop a mic. Leighton rolls her eyes and Maya smiles to herself. She was kind of funny.

"Anyway," Kimberly says, "I have to speak to the honor board and hope that they don't expel me."

"Damn girl your life's a fucking mess right now," Bela says.

"She's right, it is," Kimberly agrees.

"Well it's gonna work itself out," Leighton states, "And if it doesn't then..."

Everyone looks at Leighton, waiting to hear the rest of the sentence, "Then what?"

"I don't know," Leighton answers, "I thought you guys would jump in with something."

"You didn't give us a cue or anything," Maddox mutters at the same time Whitney exclaims-


"Let's focus on the positives," Maya says, "Midterms are over and there's a party! What's the theme again?"

"Anything but clothes," Bela answers.

"Huh?" Maya asks.

"Anything but clothes," Maddox states, "You know like a blanket or flowers or a giant lampshade."

"Giant lampshade?" Leighton asks.

"It's unique," Maddox says.

"It's weird," Whitney responds.

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