fourteen | dancing with our hands tied

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Freshman Year | Semester Two

It was the start of a new year and the second semester at Essex. Students were returning from their holiday to resume their studies. There were tears from parents as they dropped their children off. Though there were no tears for Leighton Murray and Maya King as the two girls had returned from their break together, driving from New York City to campus in Leighton's car after a month spent together.

The two of them sat in the car in absolute silence, watching as their peers toted in their suitcases and bags from their holiday.

Maya looks over at Leighton, "Should we go inside?"

Leighton tears her eyes away from the windshield and looks over at Maya, "I just want to enjoy this moment a second longer."

Maya snorts softly as she tugs on the sleeves of her sweatshirt, "You act like we're never gonna see each other again."

"It's not that," Leighton says, "It's just not going to be like it was this past month. You're going to go back to Tatum."

"She's my girlfriend," Maya responds.

"Even after what happened?" Leighton asks. Maya blinks and she tears her gaze away from Leighton.

"We said we wouldn't bring it up," Maya mutters.

"Yeah, well it feels like something we should talk about," Leighton states.

Maya takes a deep breath and shakes her head as she opens the car door. Leighton watches and she quickly cuts the engine of her car before she climbs out and begins walking after Maya.

"Maya!" Leighton shouts after her, "Maya."

Maya stops walking and spins to look at Leighton.

"We don't have to talk about it," Leighton says, "It's forgotten. Never even happened."

Maya sighs, "I'm sorry, Leighton."

Leighton forces a smile, "It's okay. Now get your ass back to the car because there's no way I'm carrying all of this inside alone.'

Maya nods her head and she and Leighton walk together back to get their suitcases out of the car. They make their way back to the dorm, suitcases rolling loudly behind them. Leighton stares at Maya while they ride the elevator knowing that this was the last time they'd be alone.

"I'm gonna miss you," Leighton says softly.

"I'm across the hall from you," Maya responds.

Leighton shakes her head as she looks at Maya, "It won't be the same."

Before Maya gets the chance to respond, the doors open. Leighton steps out first and makes her way toward her room. Maya sighs as she watches her. She steps off the elevator as well and heads to her room, stopping as she hears.

"Fucking hell Bela!"

Maya looks into the room to see Bela in nothing but her bra and underwear. Her lips curl up in a smile and she shakes her head.

"Maya!" Maddox exclaims as she enters the room, "You are in such much trouble!"

"What why? I just got here," Maya says as she shrugs her coat off.

Maddox holds up her phone, "You know I was tracking you all winter break. You know who else I was tracking?"

"Whitney?" Maya answers.

Maddox pauses, "Well yes, but that's not who I'm talking about. You were with Leighton all break. I mean the only time your little people weren't together was when one of you was taking a shit and the other was literally five feet away!"

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