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Giovannas pov: After spending the night over at Shilohs, I went home and slept the whole day. I've been very tired lately, and that's scaring me because it's usually an indicator that my depression is soon coming back this winter.

I suddenly woke up to the sound of my doorbell ringing like crazy.

It was 8 pm on a Saturday night, and my parents weren't home. Besides, I told my friends I would be sleeping all weekend, so who could possibly be coming over at this time?

I groaned as I got up and felt a shiver run down my spine when my bare feet hit the cold floor. The ringing got louder and faster. Who the fuck could need me this bad?

"IM COMING!" I yelled, annoyed.

I opened the door and felt a gush of cold wind hit my face as well as a pair of arms wrap around me. Those arms were Katherine's? What was wrong with her.

"Katherine?" I whispered under my breath as small sobs left her mouth.
I was confused and saddened, but also angered. "Who did this to you?" I asked, closing the door and wrapping my arms around her, pulling her small body closer into mine.

"Please just hold me gio." She quietly pleaded, holding onto me tighter.

Whatever it is that happened to her, she needed time to talk about it. She was clearly scared as her body shook with fear and sadness. All she needed at the moment was comfort, and I was going to do my best and give her just that.

"Come." I said quietly, letting her go of my embrace and holding her hand, guiding her to my room. Once we got there, I sat her on my bed and went to my drawer, grabbing a big T-shirt and sweatpants, and also a hoodie just in case she got cold as my room was always really cold.

"Here you can change in my bathroom." I said with a small smile, handing her clothes, but she just looked at me with tears in her eyes and paused for a moment. Poor thing she looked so in pain. "Gio, can you please change me?"

She asked with a sad look in her eyes.
"I'm too exhausted to even talk." She said with a low scratchy voice. "Of course." I said, smiling at her.

I slowly took her shirt off and slipped off her pants. As I was changing her, I noticed dark bruises all over her body.
I couldn't help but stare in horror. She noticed me staring, and her body tensed up. I held onto her hand, assuring her everything was okay.

I put on the sweat pants and shirt on her, then gave her a sip of cold ice water. "You can sleep in my bed. I'll go and sleep in my guest room." I said, grabbing my phone off the stand.
"No, Giovanna, please stay with me."
She said, looking at me exhausted.

I just nodded and turned off the lights laying next to her. I felt she needed a hug, so I slowly wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my embrace. "I'm sorry." Was all I said before dozing off into a deep sleep.

Seeing Katherine like this worried me, especially because I've only ever seen her be this happy, confident, put together, popular girl. Seeing her this shattered killed me. All those bruises on her body felt like a stab in the heart. I'm not one to assume, but from what I've heard, I'm almost sure it was Gabriel who did this to her. There was no other explanation. She had mentioned her parents had been out of town for the past 2 months, and I'm pretty sure she said she lives alone, Who else could it be. But that's not important right now, I'm just glad she's safe here in my arms

I woke up with Katherine still my arms. She was still asleep with small breaths, leaving her slightly open mouth and her chest rising up and down at a pattern.
I slowly got out of her embrace and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.


I got up and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready. Today was going to be interesting after what happened last night. Hopefully, I can make her feel at least slightly better.


I got out of the shower and changed into some sweat pants and a hoodie. It was Sunday, and It was raining out, so I didn't really feel like doing much besides staying in today. I got out drying my drenched hair and found Katherine now sitting on the edge of my bed on her phone, texting someone.

"Hey." I said with a small warm smile.
She looked at me and smiled back weakly. "Hey, sorry about last night. I'm really embarrassed." She said, grabbing her head with both her hands.

"You shouldn't be, I'm okay with helping you out whenever at whatever time. I'm just glad that you're safe here with me." I said, hugging her. "Thank you, g. Is it okay if I stay a bit longer, at least until the storm gets better? I can't drive to my house with this kind of weather." She said, looking out the window anxiously.

"Yeah, it's fine with me. Don't worry. I was just going to order some food, would you like some?" I asked, scanning her face. God, she's so beautiful.


916 words.

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