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The trio had a few more drinks and danced to a few more songs before collectively deciding to call it a night. They walked back to the limo

"You cool to crash at the hotel?" Husker asked.

"Yeah, my friend already said it was fine. I threw her a bit of green for the favor." Cherri stated

"I'm sure the girls would love a sleepover!" Angeldust laughed.

"Charlie would. Vaggy would kill all of us." Husker laughed.

"Seriously tho, you could sleep in my room, like old times." Angeldust stated.

"Will Fat Nuggets be there?" She asked.

"Where the fuck else would he be babe?" Angeldust asked sarcasm in his voice.

This time, Cherribomb climbed in first, then Angeldust and lastly Husk.

Cherribomb was laying down fully on the seat in the limousine, texting the demon she was flirting with at the bar. Angeldust was sat on the passenger side,and Husker sat on the driver side.

He cracked the window a bit. Seeing the lust and Angel's eyes made him suspect he's gonna need some air.

Angeldust stood up and walked to the other side of the limo, sitting on Husker lap basically straddling him. "Legs...." Was all Husker said his eyes darted to Cherribomb.

"Relaaaax Whiskas, I ain't gonna do not'in!" He stated. Husker shifted in his seat. Angeldust immediately understood why he was hesitant. Angeldust took that as his cue to stop.

He still sat where he was, but he wrapped Husker into a hug. Husker wrapped his arms and Wings around the demon. Husker kissed the spiders lips hungrily. Angeldust gladly complied, letting Husk's tongue explore his mouth, before his did the same to Husker's.

They reached the hotel, and Angedust bidded Cherri a goodnight before rushing up the stairs to Husker's room.

"Have a goodny." Husker also said before running after Angeldust, unbuttoning his shirt as he climbed the stairs.

"Ahh, young love." Cherribomb laughed to herself before going up the stairs to Angel's room.

Clothes were scattered all over the floor, Angeldust had one hand in the fur on the top of Husker head, and two around his waist, and two pressed against the fur of his chest. A very heated make-out that got even hotter. Hickey's littered Angel's neck and collar bones.

Angedust grinded his hips against Husker's as the kiss deepened again. Husker's arms were already around Angeldust, but he tightened his grip and flipped them over so he was on top. Angles six arms all fell at the exact same time, Angeldust groaned as his body hit the bed roughly. Husker held Angel's top arms over his head. Before pulling away from the kiss only to nibble on Angel's ear lobe, earrings more beautiful sounds from the spider.

"God I want to fuck you." He whispered.

"Don't say it, Just fucking do it asshole!" Angeldust groaned.

Husker eagerly complied. The rickety bed rocked, hitting the wall with every moment Husker made. Angel's moans filled the room.

"Oh, harder daddy!" He moaned out extremely loudly. So loudly it took Husker by surprise, he almost forgot what he was doing.

In the morning

Husker didn't fall asleep last night. Gotta love insomnia amirite? Angedust was softly Snoring while he laid a top of the cat demon, Angel's arms wrapped snuggly around him. Husk admidred the momentos he left all over Angel's neck. He wrapped his arms and wings around the demon spider. Husker softly kissed, every mark he made the previous night. Eventually Angeldust stirred awake.

"Huuuusk whyyy?!" Groaned the spider.

"Hmm... Cause I can." He stated, before kissing another mark, sucking on it making the color even deeper.

"Fuuck." Angel moaned.

Husker snickered "like putty in my paws."

"Seriously Whiskers, it's too early for this!" Angedust groaned..

"Is it tho?" Husker asked.

"Don't you have to tend the bar?" Angedust asked.

"Not for another three hours." Husker stated.

"ITS FIVE IN THE FUCKING MORNING !" Angeldust groaned.

"Yeah..." Husker stated.

"Why the fuck are you awake?" Angeldust asked.

"I never fell asleep." He shrugged.

"Why?" Angeldust asked, curiously.

"I couldn't sleep. It happens some times. More often than not, actually." Husker explained

"Well I'm not going back to sleep now." Angeldust stated, crossing his arms.

Husker just grabbed him and pulled him to his chest. "I'm sorry I woke you." He rubbed Angel's back affectionately.

"It's fine." Angeldust wrapped his arms around the demonic cat and leaned down to kiss him.

"I love you." Husker said.

"I love you too."

The two just talked, and joked around good thing there's no guests on Husker's side of the hotel, cause they were laughing way too loudly way too early.

Around seven forty five Angel and Husk got dressed and went down stairs. Husk made them both an Angel's Lust, as they continued chatting waiting for the others to come down stairs.

"Angel! Oh my God are you okay?!" Charlie exclaimed noticing the bruises on his neck.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Angeldust was confused, not understanding why Charlie was worried about him. Sipping the drink Husker just finished pouring.

Charlie leaned down and Vaggy whispered something in her ear.

"OHHHHH. hehehe." Charlie laughed.

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