One- Transformation

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I couldn't hold on much longer, the pain was getting more and more excruciating after the blood settled in and we were getting to the point that if I didn't do the transformation now, my body would do it on its own.

Something I don't know if I'm ready for. Originally it was for everyone else, I didn't know if I was going to be dangerous or not.

Now it's because I'm scared of how long it's going to last. I knew I was frustrating everyone.

They needed me to do it. So, since my dad thinks I'm sick with something mysterious, Carlisle told him I need to see a doctor he knows for two weeks in Alaska, so I can finish the transformation. Now here we are.

"[Name] are you sure you don't want me to go?" He questions me, I hum, nodding my head as I pack my bags.

"Dad, it will only worry you even more, think that I'm on a trip at mom's house or something." I told him. Alice and Jasper were in my bedroom with me, helping me since I got too weak to really hold anything.

Jasper takes my bag, putting it over his shoulder. "I just, I feel like I need to be there." He frowns, leaning against my doorway.

"I would like it if you stayed here. I don't want you to see me in a hospital bed. Also, you need to be here to make sure Bella isn't with Edward the whole time." I tease him, knowing how much he dislikes Edward. He's actually pretty cordial with Jasper and Bella compared to him.

My partners didn't leave me out in the woods like he did with my sister. He thinks we had a mutual break up when in reality it was pretty similar with Bella only I'm not a human. I had the choice to leave with them. She did not.

"Don't remind me." He lets out a strong sigh, Alice and Jasper quietly snickers. I smile at them, then back to Charlie.

"And another thing, you used all your pto with work so you wouldn't even be able to get out for two weeks like I am." I add on to the trying to explain why it's best to let me go to Alaska for two weeks by myself to a doctor.

"Okay, okay, I get it. You don't want me to come. I understand. Just please update me." He comes over and hugs me. I feel my bones crack from the hug since I've barely moved and this transition is making me more and more human. Weak, very, very weak.

He lets me go, backing away to look at me. His face was saddened. Probably by the lack of color in my features, my eyes sunken in, and cracked lips. "We should probably get going, Chief Swan." Jasper speaks up, his hand finding the small of my back, Alice smiling politely in agreement at Charlie.

"Right," he backs out of my room, moving out of our way. "Right, I'll see you  in two weeks, [Name]. Thank you guys for taking her, Alice, Jasper." He nods his head at them. "See you." I wave to him.

"Of course, sir." Alice pats his shoulder in passing. "It's no problem." Jasper adds in, leading me out of the door. My dad watches us leave from the window of the house.

I notice in my peripheral vision as Jasper helps me get into his car. Alice sits in the back with me. Jasper is driving and Carlisle is in the passenger seat. Carlisle looks back to me as I lay my head down on Alice's lap.

"You know if this takes longer I think he will push on your boundaries and try to come to the hospital." He tells me, I scrunch my nose. "I know." I close my eyes, feeling the pain start to kick in.

The bumps on the road really bring out more discomfort. I feel Jasper repeatedly trying to take away my pain, it's subtle. He takes away the anger and confusion I have, which helps.

The anger triggers more pain so it really, truly helps when he does it. Even if it's for ten minutes or shorter. I know they're trying to help me be as comfortable as possible before the worst of it.

Unknowing (Alice x Reader x Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now