Chapter 1

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Sophie POV:

Warning depression and some thoughts about suicide 

"UGHHHHHH" I groaned as I got out of my bed. I have barely gotten out of bed except when Keefe comes over. I should be happy and celebrating. We finally defeated the Neverseen after 6 long years. Most of my childhood was ruined because of them. I should have been over joyed that its finally over but I don't. When we finally defeated them everyone seemed to ditch me. I had more power than all of them and I was a freak. I have no use now since there is no one to fight. I feel like a failure, I know I should move on but I can't. Bianna stopped hanging out with me and inviting me to sleepover, Fitz stopped showing up to cognate practice, Dex stopped coming to dye Iggy's hair, I don't even remember the last time I had a proper conversation with Edaline and Grady. I don't hang out with anyone anymore except Keefe. He comes to visit me almost everyday and we would spend hours talking. Keefe knows how I feel and has been trying to make me happy, sometimes it works other I plaster on a smile just for him. He is the only reason why I haven't runaway or killed myself. I am  so tired but I keep on going for him. 

I don't want to live anymore. I feel like I have no purpose anymore. I am just a doll now that all girls once had. They absolutely love it for the first few years, never leaving its side until one day you realize you don't need it anymore. If anyone saw you with it you would be called weird. I knew one day this would happen but I didn't think it would happen this soon.

The only reason I got out of bed was because Mr. Forkle needed me to get something from the Vacker house. The last time I saw Mr. Forkle was when he said that I could finally live a normal life, I wasn't needed anymore. He didn't notice how it made me feel. He probably thought I would be over joyed but it just confirmed my feeling of only being useful when no one else could do it. Everyone only needed me when times were hard, but when life was easy everyone forgot about me.

I light leaped away to their house and went in. The first thing I heard was laughter and I went inside more I could see Fitz, Bianna, Keefe, Dex, Marella, Stina, Tam, and Ling all together on the floor laughing. I gasped quietly and went back so they couldn't see me. I was still close enough that I could hear what they were saying. 

Bianna: "Lets not even get started with Sophie, she has way to many powers for her own good. I'm surprised she hasn't killed us all yet!"

Dex: "Yeah she is such a clutz, she is also soooo stuck-up. she brags about her powers every time we see her."

Fitz: "Her powers would have been way better if I had them. She just ruins everything."

I heard a chorus of yeses and yeah. I felt a tear coming down across my cheeks. They don't realize that these words could help. They are all probably joking around not noticing how far these comments could go. Then again, when do they ever notice people that aren't themselves.

Keefe: " I don't know about all of you but I think she is pretty awesome and a hero." 

Another tear rolls down my face because he though he doesn't know I'm there he still tries to defend me. I am grateful for him, more than he could ever imagine.

Tam snorted and said " You only said that because you lo..."

"Hey Sophie" Alden said as he walked in. Everyone quieted down.

"Hi, Mr. Forkle said you had something for him"  I said, quickly wiping my tears. 

"Oh yes, why don't you wait in the living room." 

I walked to the living room where everyone was dead silent until Keefe burst out saying 


 I plastered on a smile, "Hey everyone." I said with a fake cheerfulness. Bianna beckoned for me to sit down and everyone acted as if no one had said any of that.  They probably thought I just walked in. They act as if they never said those thing then I'll act if I never heard, even if its killing me to say something.We talked for a while till Alden came back and Keefe was looking at me weirdly. As I got up to leave Keefe went with me. Outside he asked me,

"Are you ok? I can feel pain radiating off you in waves." 

" I'm fine!" I snapped

" Did you hear all of that?" he asked quietly

"Yes." I said quietly, I turned away so he wouldn't see the tears building up in my eyes. 

"Are you sure?"

" JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled at him and teleported to my room. I never turned around to see the pain in his eyes that flash across his face. I sat on my bed sobbing, I can't take this anymore. I should just kill myself. I thought about it and decided that was probably the best idea. I don't care how everyone would react, I'm too tired to continue. 

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