A test of strength

Start from the beginning

Izuku shoots the arrow forth as it hits all night dead in the face,creating an explosion

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Izuku shoots the arrow forth as it hits all night dead in the face,creating an explosion.Izuku slowly descends into an actually hurt all might.
All might:W-well done.But...
All might starts to stand up.
All might:What kind of te-
Nezu:Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo pass!
All might:W-what?!
All might looks at his arms and sees that they're restrained.
All might:W-when?
Izuku:That's the thing about you all might, whenever you get beaten down you come back up.But when you get back up,you get lost in thought and strategy and are wide open.
All might:Hehehe,so the student is the master now huh?
Izuku:Of course not,I have plenty to learn from you.
The final special match for Togaru proceeds.Togaru is in an abandoned and destroyed city.Not a single person in sight.He walks to the center and closes his eyes. Suddenly,a man with a red sword appears out of nowhere right behind Togaru.The man swings his sword but Togaru blocks it with his own.The two separate.
???:Well well.

Hawks:Your pretty fast

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Hawks:Your pretty fast.
Togaru:Your not slow either.
Togaru looks at hawks swords,they seem to be made of the same red feathers as his wings.
Togaru(thinking):No matter if I run or fight,it's a 50-50 chance of success either way.In that case.
Togaru rushes forth as he and hawks clash.

Togaru rushes forth as he and hawks clash

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(Togaru is the blonde man.)
Hawks flies up with an upwards kick that sends Togaru flying,he then tackles Togaru into the ground with a sword at his throat.
Hawks:You've been doing pretty well so far,but I'd give up now.
Togaru kicks right in between hawks legs, surprising everyone.Hawks rolls off and is panting heavily for breath.Togaru pins him down and tries to to cuff him,but hawks wings cover his body and then burst forth,sending Togaru flying.Hawks recovers (kinda,he's still in pain) and flies upwards to pursue Togaru. Hawks revs his arms back,ready to swing,but his feather swords start falling in half.Hawks is confused until Togaru grabs hawks by his head and slams him into a building.Togaru sticks blades from his feet into the building.Togaru lifts hawks up,but then HE kicks Togaru between the legs,surprising everyone again.
Izuku:He does know he can just get out of the field right?
Kacchan:Where's the difficulty in that?
Togaru recovers and tackles hawks as the two slide down the building.
Togaru:Can your wings grow back?!
Togaru smiles menacingly and sticks blades into the building from his feet again.He grabs hawks by his coat and holds him up from behind,and with the swing of his free arm...he slices both of hawks wings off,shocking everyone.
Kacchan:Damn,that's brutal.
Izuku stares at Bakugo.
Togaru puts the cuffs on hawks on the wall of the building.
Hawks:Damn,your pretty hardcore man.
Togaru:I get that a lot.
Hawks:When my swords broke,you wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that would you?
Togaru:Hehehe,I made super small blades and shot them at high speeds,it's something I learned from a friend.
The exams are over as everyone but Kirishima, Sato,Jirou,and Denki pass.
At the villains hideout
Shigaraki was having a nice drink when his broker came in,accompanied by a man in a metallic mask.

At the villains hideoutShigaraki was having a nice drink when his broker came in,accompanied by a man in a metallic mask

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Wolfram:I hear your in need of some "experience" for some upcoming big job.
Shigaraki:That's right,you're the villain "Wolfram".
Wolfram:I see someone did their homework, though I'm still a little bit skeptical.Why are you in charge of this operation?
Shigaraki:Because I am.
Wolfram:You don't look like some tough leader.If your really trying to be a tough villain, then you should know that the leader of the group's gotta be-
Suddenly,wolfram felt the breath leaves his body as his feet left the ground.Wolfram was gasping for air,but could get none.He looked to see shigaraki giving him the death stare while chocking him.
Shigaraki:The leader has to be someone who can keep the others in line,I think I'm pretty good at that.
Shigaraki drops the man to the ground as he desperately gasps for air.
Shigaraki:But what do you think?Are you willing to follow me?Or are you someone I need to make an example of?
Wolfram regains his breath and smiles.
Wolfram:Alright "Boss".I'm listening.
Shigaraki:The brats got some field trip coming up.We'll attack them there,but we also have a target we specifically have to kill...Izuku midoriya.

To be continued.

What if deku had a quirk?Version 1Where stories live. Discover now