Chapter 9 Dollhouse

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There is conversations happening in playtime co about well everything that happened so far as the lower level employees didn't need to know everything that happened in this factory.There is also some news about some other project but nobody knows what it is at least not yet.There is also some information about the newest experiments by the bigger bodies initiative but Mr. Sawyer wouldn't go to fine to that right now besides, there was no way that he was going to waste a good resource when it was presented to him.It only took him a few minutes to realize that there was still use for Rowan so he was able to stop Boxy boo and get that experiment something else to eat.

Then there is also some information about how Marcus might be causing some problems soon, so that might be an issue as well.But there is something else that Mr. Sawyer had to do first then he can deal with Marcus. Perhaps he can use him for an experiment for the bigger bodies initiative but for now is the time to head towards experiment 0.

The first successful experiment of the bigger bodies, initiative, the one that started it all.So there is going to be a discussion about this. Just a little friendly talk that's all.That's what is going to happen as Mr. Sawyer made his way to there. The very first successful experiment started as it was already confirmed that the prototype is still at the labs so that was at least some good news.

It didn't take long for Mr. Sawyer to be there at the entrance as the entrance was in the shape of a poppy flower. It was ironic honestly but now it's not the time for that.Soon after he went into the door and closed it right behind him. This place looks different from the rest of the factory as it was a cosy little home.At least that's what Mr. Sawyer thought to himself.

It was honestly strange, but he didn't question why Elliot chose this. But he needed some questions as there was a lot he could learn, especially since nobody even notices what happens to the missing employees, including the children at the orphanage. Speaking of the orphanage the newest experiments are almost finished well one is done just in education with Stella while the other one still needed some work.

But that's beside the point perhaps once he's done with this, he could see the newest experiments from the bigger bodies initiative. But for now he needed to continue on doing this, as there was some questions that intrigued him, and besides, he always wanted to know why the first experiment of the bigger bodies initiative was kept here for some reason.

Now, Mr. Sawyer understood and respect Elliott's decision on keeping the very first experiment of the bigger bodies, initiative, should be here, but he can't help but be curious about it.Because this experiment is different from the rest Mr. Sawyer knew that, but he wanted to know more as to why this experiment was so different.

There is so much that Mr. Sawyer wanted to know about this experiment, but he needed to make sure that everything is moving up for the factory.Because he needed to make sure everything will go according to plan for the bigger bodies initiative.This is something that he needed to do and then he'll leave this place.

It was strange that the containment for the very first successful experiment of the bigger bodies initiative looks different from the rest.Because the appearance of this containment is well interesting to say the least.There is furniture, wallpaper including wood pillows that belong to a cosy house for a family.

There is furniture, wallpaper including wood pillows that belong to a cosy house for a family

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It is very strange as to why, but that was something that Mr. Sawyer couldn't focus on right now. As he respects the decision of what Elliot Ludwig did, and he'll just have to stick with it.Soon he went through this area, heading to well the original is stationed at.He is heading to the location within this area as this place was very nostalgic to say the least.

Soon he is at a hallway as there was a door at the end of it so he continued on walking towards it.There is some questions that only the original can answer. That's why Mr. Sawyer is doing this.Because there is some questions that only the original knows something about how the original became the first successful experiment made Mr. Sawyer intrigued.

That is when he soon went through the door as there is a soft red light and below it in the room is a glass case with the original inside of it.Poppy playtime, the original, the one that started the bigger bodies initiative from the very beginning.It is strange why the original was kept here and not at the labs, but Mr. Sawyer understand Elliot Ludwig's decision for that. But it was still strange seeing the original in this containment area.

It was so different from the others

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It was so different from the others.Very different something about the original, and how the containment is different honestly made Mr. Sawyer curious about it. As to why Elliot even decided to put the original here in the first place while he understood, and respected Mr. Ludwig's decision it's still interest him to say the least.But that's besides the point now, Mr. Sawyer can finally ask the original some questions.Soon the doll's eyes opened as now, noticing Mr. Sawyer is there.

"Well you seem to be awake all of a sudden. That's interesting to say. But you are the original the one who started all of this to begin with, so why should I be so surprised of what you could do?"

"Where's Rowen? What did you do to him? Including Wiatt. Why are you even here?"

There is always something interesting about the original not to mention how curious as well, but that shouldn't be an issue anyways.Because the original seems to always know what's happening here despite being locked up in that glass case every 24 seven.So it also confirms one of his hypothesis as to a question that he had for very long time.

"Rowen is taken care of. Don't worry, he'll be put to good use.Like with Wiatt. Anyways, I just want to ask some questions and have a conversation. So are you going to cooperate?"

There is nothing coming from the original as Mr. Sawyer smiled a little bit as the door closed quietly.As there isn't gonna be any interruptions with the original while asking some questions. Besides, it's not like the lower level employees knows what's happening here anyways and those that knew about the bigger bodies initiative didn't even knew about the original.Only Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Ludwig did but right now he wanted to ask some questions and that's exactly what he's going to get from Poppy playtime.

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