Did We Mention❤🎶

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(3rd POV....)

Hal, Mal, and Evie get to the tourney game, standing on the bleachers with Lonnie standing with them, "This is a nail- bitter, folks. There are 47 seconds left on the clock and we're all tied up. The Sherwood Falcons, two. The Fighting Knights, two. What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals," The announcer said as everyone dances and cheers for their teams. 

"Get 'em, Chad and Chase." Jay encourages Chad. "Thanks, Jay." Chase thanked him as Chad nodded at him in appreciation before they put on their helmets and went on the field. "As the teams get their huddles and take up positions along the Kill Zone. The dragoneers have been lying down a withering hail of fire," The announcer continues saying. "You're up!" The couch said to Jay. Carlos pats his shoulder with a smile. "And now a substitution by Coach Jenkins." The announcer said in the background. 

"Coach, how about my buddy here?" Jay asked while getting up and wrapping his arm around Carlos' shoulder, forcing him to get up. "Oh, no." Carlos said, ducking under Jay's arm and sitting back down on the bench. "Not so sure about that." The Coach shook his head. "Coach, he's been practicing," Jay starts to explain as he forces Carlos to get back up. "Jay.." Carlos says, warningly. "And you said yourself 'a team is made up of a bunch of parts'," Jay reminds the Coach. "Jay, I'm not that good." Carlos said. 

"Well, he's kind of my brain." Jay shrugged while ruffling Carlos' hair. The Coach sighs, "Amir!" He calls to one of his players, waving him over. #26 runs over to the Coach. "You heard him," The Coach throws him the tourney stick. "Get out there!" He demands as Carlos catches the stick. "Don't worry, bro. I got your back." Jay reassures Carlos. "What about my front?" Carlos asked, scared. "Get out there." Jay scoffed while pushing Carlos out to the field. 

Jay follows after him. Hal, Mal, Evie, and Lonnie sees them and start cheering for them while Mal and Hal chuckled a little. "He's bringing that hothead Jay from the Isle of the Lost and that little guy Carlos who can barely hold a shield," The announcer introduces them like that. "When they break from their huddles, this is gonna be a big moment here and the tipoff is ready. Here we go." The announcer continues as the whistle blows. 

"Long pass goes to Jay," The announcer points out. "Jay dishes off to Prince Beck," The announcer continues to point out. "Nice little block by Carlos," Carlos trip a player from the opposite team. "He does a little dancing jig in the opponent's face," Carlos dances a little in front the player he just tripped. "And now Jay gets the ball back," The ball gets throw to Jay. "Here comes Jay," Jay does some kind of flip. "Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid-field,".

 "I'm open." Ben yells. "Jay makes a nice pass to Prince Ben through the Kill Zone," Jay throws the ball to Ben. "Big Block by Chad!" Jay dodges Chad. "Prince Ben moves over wide, gives it back to Jay." Ben throws the ball back to Jay. "He's in the clear!" Jay throws the ball in net. "Shot!" The other teams goalie catches the ball. "Oh! What a save by Philip, the Falcons' goalkeeper!" Jay sighs. They continue after Ben and Beck gives Jay some encouragement. 

"Come on, guys! Come on!" The Coach encourages. "23 seconds left, you could cut the tension with a sword. The long ball is played into Jay," Jay jumps for the ball. "Jay, great jump, great leap," Jay catches the ball. "And a great move by Jay," Jay maneuvers around one of the Falcons player. "Big block from Chad!" Chad pushes one of the Falcons player. "Jay dishes off to Prince Ben," Jay throws the ball to Ben who catches it. "And then Carlos with a big block, goes down," Carlos gets pushed to the floor. 

"Jay through the Kill Zone, picks up Carlos," Jay helps Carlos up. "He's being hammered by dragon fire," Carlos gets hit by one of the flying balls from the cannon. "Jay, hurdling maneuvering at mid-field." Jay flips over Carlos. "He's in the clear! The ball goes back to Jay," Jay catches the ball that was thrown at. "He passes to Prince Beck," Jay jumps over Carlos and throws the ball to Beck who catches it. "He scores!" Beck gets it in the goal net and everybody cheers. 

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