"Hey! Watch it!" I snip at her. She glowers at me. 

"You watch it! I'm trying to find Iggy!" she snaps back at me. "Sophie let me babysit him this weekend and I lost him!" she says before crouching down to look under a table cloth. 

"Come on, we'll look together" I grab her arm and drag her down the stairs with me as I ignore her protests. 

"What are you looking for?" she asks me after a moment of silence. 

"Minnesota got lost" I tell her as I slow down to jog so she can keep up. 

"She's probably just walking around. I'm sure she's not lost" she says with an eye roll. 

"No she's lost. She reached out to me" I tell her with pride in my voice. Weird thing to be proud of I know, but she reached out to me

"She's a telepath?" she asks a bit flabbergasted. I give her a nod before I turn another corner. "Huh, honestly it kinda scares me how powerful she is. I know Sophies powerful too, but I know her and I'm pretty sure Minnesota has more abilities than Sophie" she tells me with a shrug. 

"By a long shot" I tell her. I hear a chirp down the hallway with the vase. "Is that Iggy?" I ask Biana.

"He makes the same sound but that one sounded a lot higher than his usual. Oh God I hope he's not hurt!" she says franticly. We hear another chirp, this one was definitely lower toned. 

"That one was definitely Iggy" I say as I look down at Biana's confused expression. "I wonder if an imp snuck in through a window. I just hope the imp isn't in heat" I tell her with a shudder. She copies the action. 

I hear a giggle from the hallway. Minnesota. I slow down my pace and make it look like I wasn't running. I don't want to seem that eager. 

We turn the corner and Minnesota is sitting on the ground with the small imp in her palms. She looks down at it and chirps. That's the other chirping sound we heard. I glance over at Biana and notice she's wearing the same slack jawed wide eyed expression I am. 

What surprises us even more is he chirps back. 

"Wait, can you speak to him?" I blurt out in surprise. She jumps and Iggy squeaks in protest. Her breathing is rapid as she turn towards us. 

"Yeah, I have been able to for as long as I can remember" she says with a shrug. She has to many abilities to count. I feel bad for her matchmaking workers. 

Matchmaking. I forgot. I can't ever be with her if she can't enter. I don't see why not because Sophie can, once she finds out her parents. But I still worry. 

"Lets go get breakfast! I promised this little guy some food" she says with a small wink at the little creature. I have never envied a critter so much in my entire life. I shrug off the matchmaking questions for now, I'll bring them up to my father later. 

We walk in silence and I'd be lying if I said I glad she didn't sing. I really wanted her to open her pink lips and for a sweet melody to flow out. She did end up breaking the silence, but not by singing. 

"So what exactly is he?" she asks as she looks down at the sleeping green fluff ball in her hands. 

"He's an imp, Sophies imp. She named him Iggy" I say with a small laugh. I think back to how Grady reacted to her wanting to keep the small creature. 

"Huh" she replies before looking at the floor as she walks. It makes me sad. I find myself once more wishing she'd sing. Even just a few notes. 

We enter the kitchen and my mom is standing there as if she was waiting for us to enter. She rushes towards Minnesota to give her a hug, but puts Iggy on the counter first. 

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