Hope is a fickle thing

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It was the middle of the night when Renata heard her phone buzz by the nightstand. She had stayed in her old room back at the castle after her talk with her dad. She had missed her room. It was an unbelievably better sight than the ones she had been staying in this past year when most of the money went for booze

When she didn't steal said booze

Groaning, she blindly reached out, vowing to kill whoever was on the other end at one point or another. Her hand reached some sketchy stuff until she finally clicked on the screen

"Boss" Said Kruest, in an ever professional way

"Next time you call me so late, Kruest, I swear to all the rings I'm going to shove you into the earth until you suffocate" She spat. Her pleasant dreams of dancing around the ballroom were a distant memory now, and only the ache of familiarity lingered in her heart. It made her miss the more simpler times

But that clearly wasn't his concern or the fact it was four am.

Kruest had a pause. He cleared his throat, nervous. Good, Renata thought. Made it easier to kill him later "I've tracked down Stolas"

One of her eyes opened "Oh?"

"Y-yeah" He cleared his throat again "Near the pride ring, like you told me to look. But I can't get him alone"

"Then find someone" Renata snapped, pissy she was woken up as she reached to hang up. Pissy. Was this the first time she's used that word? When did she start using words from Alastor's ridiculous dictionary? What, did she live in the 20th century where he clearly wanted to remain? No!

"Someone strong" He corrected. Renata sighed, and opened both eyes to crane her neck up to look at her damned phone

"You realize what time it is, Kruest?" She asked annoyedly

"You told me to report as soon as I could"

Renata begrudgingly sat up and ran a hand down her face "That I did" Yawning, she leaned back and balanced the phone on her knee "Ok. Talk. All I got was pride ring"

"Yes. At the outskirts. He is locked up in a run down circus that stopped working a few years ago. Some sexy lizard is guarding the doors"

Renata smirked "Sexy?"

"Not as much as you, princess"

The formal tone of his made her laugh "Thank you, even if you're just fucking with me. Now, who the hell is that sexy lizard?" She glanced up at the ceiling, trying to see past the paint of the soft purple colour of the walls "Wasn't there some..." She rubbed her eyes "Hitman lizard or whatever he's doing now going around at one point? Stroker?"

"Striker, miss"

"I'm not old enough for miss"

"I would argue 400 years is old enough"

Renata laughed soundlessly to herself again. "You know, flattery won't get you out of your contract. Or your death sentence for calling me so late"

"I wasn't trying to" He said, and Renata yawned again. She stood up and reached to wrap a robe around herself while she sat the phone on the nightstand "Report to me what you know about him"

"Well, Striker is a hitman. He's a fairly tall imp, has pale red skin, and has a serpent like face. It's hard to miss him. He holds a deep hatred of the nobility of hell. His wife called him to stage his death"

Renata's eyebrows shot up "Stella?" Then she grinned "Oh my god. Really?"

When he didn't reply to her clear need for gossip once in a full moon, Renata stood up. "Fine fine. What else?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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