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You know what my reason behind Renata's age was?

Rosie said Charlie was 'much too young' for Alastor. So that caused a chain reaction in my head and I was like what if she had an older sister?

Then boom. Fanfic


"So, what's your past with dear old Alastor?" Angel Dust asked the next day once the three of them had gathered at the bar. He looked expectedly at Renata, taking a swing from a bottle Husk had tossed at him

Renata shot him a look. She looked up from her book on war strategy, annoyance overriding her short lived peace of having been buried between the pages of a book "A past"

Husk snorted, putting away a glass "Very funny"

Angel wasn't having it, however. He leaned forward on two of his hands, like he was telling some profound secret "Have ya fucked him?"

"What? No!" Renata snapped, closing the book shut. She resisted the sudden urge to swing it at him, and decided that maybe she should act her demon age, for once "I have not bloody fucked him"

"Made out?"


"At least kissed?"

"Oh fuck- Angel!" Renata roared, letting a flame dance on her palm. Angel just glanced down with a smug smirk, chuckling, and Renata felt insulted he wasn't running at the sight. Was this what she has become? Laughing stock?

"He's usually like that" Husk added timidly, and sighed, turning to look at them "If you're killing him do it outside my bar"

"This isn't even your property"

"While I manage it, I will consider it mine" Husk growled, and tossed the rag at the counter. "He just loves to play around with danger"

Angel Dust grinned "Aw, come on" He drawled, looking adorably up at Husk "I was just askin'! I wasn't hurting nobody" Then he smirked as he looked back at Renata "So no kissin'?"

"No!" The princess snapped again

Angel sighed, like this was great boredom to him "My stars, then what did ya do? Clothes on? Solo? One watches the other touches?"

Renata's glare was almost as intense as the fire she had just snuffed out of her hand. She was starting to think that maybe killing one of Charlie's crew wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Her lips felt shut with it

Just then, Alastor decided to walk into the room, arm in arm with Charlie. He perked up when he saw Renata "Oh! Is there about to be a fight?"

"Oh, a fight will be his last problem" Renata hissed, and Charlie quickly moved out of Alastor's grip, walking over to her

"Ren, maybe let's start by not killing my friends on your second day here?" She tried, and just then Renata noticed she was holding clothes

She raised her eyebrows, eyes jumping to Alastor in question, then felt stupid as she remembered Charlie would be going to heaven today.

Once her little sister was satisfied Renata seemed distracted enough not to immediately go for genocide, she beamed, told all of them goodbyes with hugs, and exited the room

"You know" Husk began once Charlie left as he pointed the bottle at the two of them. Niffty was sweeping the floor where the remains of the wall used to be. The same one that had been blown up yesterday "You two like to pretend like you hate each other when it's clear it's all just bullshit"

Alastor's eyes narrowed. He leaned on his elbows, looking down as he adjusted his bowtie "I can assure you it's nothing of that sort"

"Yeah. Hand over that knife and I can show you" Renata added with a plain, innocent smile, to which Alastor scoffed

Anger Issues Of the Magne family- an Alastor x reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now