Has been return

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In which Renata visits the Oh so lovely Happy Hotel


Happy Hotel. Hazbin hotel

Either way, Renata found it both genius and somewhat of a far stretch. How could any sinner possibly want to be redeemed? Most were in here because they loved drugs, sex, and all the sinful delight sins had to offer

She should know

But she had much more pressing concerns then attending some hotel gathering her sister had invited her to. She had heard, even tho she had been high out of her fucking ass that day, that the next extermination would come sooner. And considering they could kill an angel?

Her entire body ran with the cold, freezing feeling of hope

Hope was a fickle thing. Dangerous, her mind echoed

She hadn't bothered changing out of her bloody, sweaty dress as she teleported over to the destination she had been invited to. Apparently, it wasn't his idea, but Charlie's. She had asked dad to ask her to come. And Renata felt an odd sense of guilt when he had confessed that

Had she ignored Charlie so much this last year that she didn't trust she would answer anymore?

Somewhere deep down, all the ignored phone calls reminded Renata she had done that shit to herself

She only knew it had been a little over an year because of the purgatory that helped Renata's usually fully drunk, high brain reassure itself she hadn't spend an eternity inside another club for days on end

She didn't know what she expected when she learned her baby sister had opened up a rehabilitation hotel

But it certainly hadn't been the sight of this half run down, oddly placed building. And Lucifer was nowhere in sight

Renata's eyes took it all in with skepticism. The colour needed work. Heaven, they needed more decoration. Make it seem more polished and expensive like it should have been to be owned by the fucking royal family of hell. Make demons throw their shitty money down their throats

Which she would later learn had nothing to do with this

To Renata's very genuine surprise, the door burst open in her face. Seeing the assault of random colour, she took it back. They needed less decoration. Immediately, she felt a mingle of energies inside, and only around five were familiar. Lucifer, Charlie, the backstabbing bimbo, some other minion with a similar energy, and-

She was greeted by Vaggie

God damn it it was Vaggie

Her eye narrowed at her, but the subtle smile was there "'Sup? About time you showed up" She nodded to come in. Renata tried to ignore the gloomy glow around Vaggie today. Hell was shitty on its best days, after all

Renata saw Lucifer and Charlie talking, with Alastor glaring at their father from the sideline, quite close to Charlie as well. One of his hands rested on her shoulder, and she felt sick at Charlie's clearly trusting smile that should be in no way directed to the backstabbing bimbo. She tried to tear her eyes away from the scene, but it only made her eyes feel all the more drawn to it. Even her father's pristine white suit didn't seem to drill into her vision as much as Alastor's grin did

That competitive air between them. And the sight of the demon that still owed her a favor. The same bloody guy she wanted to tear apart since their last encounter before he went missing from the face of hell for seven years

Vaggie leaned in to whisper in her ear "It's getting somewhat heated between them, so I would appreciate it if you could break it up before they break into a song. Again"

Anger Issues Of the Magne family- an Alastor x reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now