chapter two // more coffee?

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more coffee?

When Bri awoke the next morning, she rolled back over. It was a Friday, and the promise of two days off made her exhale loudly. Bri sat up, and glanced out her window. It was bright, and she resisted the urge to pull the comforter over her head. The sun was out, and that meant she could wear her usual attire. A pleated skirt and white shirt was her usual 'uniform'. It was easy to play tennis in and usually brought her tips.

    Bri swung her legs off of the bed, glancing at the carpeted floor. She had finally moved out of her parents house into an apartment with her friend Margaret. Margaret, or Maggie, was beautiful. She worked as a makeup counter consultant at MAC. Bri walked over to her closet, pulling out a tanktop and her skirt. Something urged her to pull the skirt up a little higher when she put it on, and she wasn't sure what it was.

    Maggie was in their kitchen. It was small, just a fridge and microwave. The counter was a putrid yellow color. Living in Los Angeles was certainly a luxury. Despite her parent's money, Bri didn't need the biggest house to live in. She had what she wanted. Maggie was hunched over a magazine with a smoking cup of coffee. She sent Bri a smile, and pushed the magazine in her direction. "Do you like that top?" It was a green halter top with a jeweled butterfly on the left breast. It would've looked tacky on Bri, but on Maggie it would look intentional.

    "On you? Of course," Bri replied, pouring herself a cup. Maggie chuckled, rolling her eyes. She was dressed for work, her dark hair pulled into a ponytail. Her lips were still beautifully glossy despite the ring of color on the mug. Maggie finished her cup, and set it in the sink. She grabbed her pink purse and sent Bri a smile as she left their cramped apartment. Bri sighed, and picked up her bag.

    The club was close to their apartment, and Bri was able to easily find a parking spot. She pulled in next to the dark blue Mercedes. Cars like that were certainly not unusual for a country club. She drove a used Camry. It got great gas mileage and was easy to drive. She didn't need any of the fancy bells or whistles. Bri adjusted her skirt, her fingers brushing at her thighs. She hadn't shaved in a while, but it didn't bother her. Bri clicked the lock and headed up the small path to the entrance.

    Her keycard went in, and the door flashed green. Once inside, she went up to visit with Clarice. Clarice was a young woman who'd just graduated high school. She'd started working there about the same time that Bri had. "Any news?" Bri asked, her elbows resting on the counter.

    "They want you in the kitchen," Clarice replied, a small frown playing at her lips. Bri nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. She said goodbye to her friend and walked through the large glass doors into the dining room. It was pretty full, many people meeting for brunch and others enjoying coffee alone. The door to the kitchen was open and Bri walked in. She bid the other workers good morning, and looked around for Steve. Steve was the head chef, and Bri often set up for him the night before. It wasn't part of her job description but she was friends with Steve. It just seemed like the nice thing to do.

    "Steve?" Bri called out, and she heard a shout from the office. She walked over and poked her head in. "What's up?"

    "Did you forget to fill the coffee machines last night?" Steve asked, spinning around in his chair. Bri was leaning against the door frame, and her eyebrows shot up.

    "Did I?" Bri began recounting the events of the night before, and shook her head, "no. I didn't. I filled them." Steve's hardened face broke into a smile.

    "Just messing around!" Steve stood up and shook Bri's shoulder. Steve was a family friend, and Bri trusted him.

    "Oh!" She laughed uncomfortably. Just because she trusted him didn't mean she enjoyed spending time with him. It was partially why she helped out at night, so she wouldn't have to see him in the morning.

    "I just wanted to know if you'd help out this morning?" Steve asked, and Bri nodded slowly. She wouldn't be able to get out and play tennis, but she would also be in air conditioning.

    "What do you need?" and Steve broke down her tasks. She would need to refill coffees and waters, and make sure that the food was warm over at the buffet. Bri changed into the jeans she kept in her locker, and pinned her name tag on her shirt. It was a tank top, but it had a faux collar. Her name tag said 'Brianna', and had little hearts drawn on it. Brianna spent the rest of the morning refilling coffees, and when people got tired of coffee Brianna refilled juices and water. Occasionally she changed the food on the counter when it got low.

    Brianna slumped against the wall, checking her watch. It was only noon. She had spent the entire morning here, and hadn't gotten to escape to the courts. She reminded herself that this was her job, and she headed back to the kitchen to get the pitcher of orange juice. When Bri headed back into the dining room, she noticed a new pair sitting down. Two guys were claiming the table in the corner of the room, just out of the direct sunlight from the window. Bri's stomach churned when she caught their faces. One was the guy from the court and the other she hadn't seen around before. This time, she took note of his outfit. He was wearing a black and red striped polo shirt and black jeans. He looked nice, his hair was properly groomed into a low swoop. The man with him had slightly curly hair, but it had clearly recently been straightened and he was also dressed pretty nicely. Bri refilled a little boy's glass as she watched the two of them fill their plates. They were chatting, their arms wildly gesticulating.

    Bri went back to the kitchen to put the juice down, and took a deep breath. She internally reminded herself that he probably wouldn't even recognize her. Bri plastered a smile on her face and left the kitchen. She took a couple long steps to their table. "Good afternoon, can I get you guys anything to drink?" The man from the court looked up at her, a smirk residing on his face when a look of recognition passed through his eyes. His friend smiled back.

    "Just water for me. Pete?" His friend looked at Pete. That was his name. Pete. He looked like a Pete.

    "Water is fine," Pete said, and Bri nodded. She returned quickly with two glasses, setting them down.

    "I'll be around, so call for me if you need anything," Bri smiled warmly, and nodded.

    "Thanks, Brianna," Pete said, his eyes drifting from her eyes to her name tag and back up. She turned away and headed back to the kitchen. The door closed behind her, and she leaned against the wall.

    Who was this guy?

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