chapter eight // rain game

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rain game

Bri finished in the kitchen, placing the final dinner plate on the stack. Normally, she hated doing the dishes, but today she was too distracted to care. Bri double checked her work, before wiping her forehead on her arm. When she turned around, she was face to face with the very guy she'd been thinking about her entire shift. Bri was sweaty and felt gross, but seeing Pete made her feel like she was on top of the world, "Ready to go?" he asked her, and she nodded.

"I have to change first," she smiled as she gestured to her sweaty work clothes. She easily could've played in this outfit, but part of her wanted to look good for Pete. Pete shook his head and cocked his hip. His duffel was black, and he was holding the strap in his hand.

"Why would you change just to get even more sweaty?" he asked, and Bri couldn't help but laugh. Pete smiled back, and Bri took a moment for herself to look at him. He was wearing a black tee and shorts, and then she spotted her favorite red high-tops.

"Fine," Bri took two steps to pick up her duffel, and then followed Pete out the double doors to the dining room. He was silent as they exited the country club, but he looked happy. He usually did when she was with him. "I have to warn you though that I am pretty good." Pete turned around to laugh.

"Hey, same warning to you," Pete chuckled, his eyes wide with excitement. Bri noticed then that he'd removed his makeup for their match. She also realized then that she really liked him with makeup. Pete pushed the gate to the first court open, and Bri followed him inside. Pete set down his bag and removed his racket, shifting it around in his grip. Bri followed suit, her bag ending up next to his on the bench. Her racket was white and had green grip tape on the handle.

"Ready?" Bri asked, taking a few short steps across the court to the other side. Pete ran a hand through his hair, fringe moving up. He wore a sly smirk and he nodded vigorously. Pete was serving first, his hand gripping a neon ball that he'd pulled from his pocket. He tossed it in the air, before expertly hitting it on his racket. It flew over the center net and bounced once so that Bri could hit it back. Pete hit it back again, and the cycle continued until he hit it on the corner of his racket. The ball flew off and hit the back of the court. "Rookie mistake," she shook her head, but she was laughing too.

"Yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes playfully. "Your serve, Bri." And Bri complied. She hit the ball over the net for Pete and he hit it back. Playing tennis with someone equally as good was fun, Bri realized. She was able to work on running back and forth, all while hitting balls coming from different angles. It had been a while since she'd been able to actually challenge herself. She was having fun.

After another round, Bri paused to get some water. As she poured the liquid down her throat, she wiped what she thought was sweat off of her forehead. Then, she felt more. And when she looked into the sky, she realized it was raining. "Aw, fuck, Pete!" Pete quirked his head at her before he felt it too.

"Man! I wish we got more rounds in," Pete groaned, but she knew he wasn't actually upset. In a split second, the rain turned from soft patters to pouring buckets. She grasped their duffel bags as Pete grabbed her arm. Together they ran to his car, as that was closer than the main office of the country club. Pete unlocked it, and she slid both of their bags inside. "Want to go to my place and wait for it to clear up?" Bri immediately nodded. She knew that she should have him take her home, but she was much more interested in seeing where her new friend lived. Pete sent her a smile as he opened the door for her. She climbed in, and immediately realized that she was dripping water all over the seat.

Pete slid in the driver's seat and noticed her grimace. "The seats can be cleaned," he reassured her, eyes crinkling in a smile. He turned the car on and blasted the heat, Bri enjoyed the shiver than ran down her spine. "You can freshen up at mine."

"Okay," Bri awkwardly nodded, attempting to relax into the seat.

"If you want, of course," he was just as awkward. They were obviously just friends, but she knew that he was conventionally attractive. When she looked at him, her heart rate picked up. She looked at him now, watching as he quietly sang along to the CD in his car. He met her eyes, and his singing stopped. He exhaled out a laugh at her catching him. It all felt so comfortable.

"Where do you live?" Bri asked.

"Not too far," Pete smiled. He clicked the turn signal on, Bri watching his fingers grip the steering wheel as he made a left turn. He pulled into a gated community, and all of the homes seemed to be huge.

"You're really close to the club," Bri nodded, not wanting to let him know how out of her element she felt. Pete nodded back.

"Yeah," Pete said, "I just moved into my new place so that's why I just started at the club. I've played tennis for a while though." Bri hummed as Pete turned into his driveway. His new house was huge. She didn't know what he did for work, but Bri wouldn't be surprised if he was a prostitute or something. He had a three car garage, and what appeared to be a three story house. There was a large staircase next to the garage that lead to the front door. Pete put the car in park, and looked to Bri. "Here we are!"

"Here we are," she nervously echoed.

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