A new beginnings

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\\No one's pov//

When they arrived they where greeted by an older man named Lewis and a middle aged woman named Robin.

Once they made it to the farm they where greeted by an extremely overgrown field and an old run down cabin.

Once cleaning up a bit they decided to check out the cabin. Walking into the cabin they all realized a problem. Carry was the first to speak. There is now way we're all going to fit in here. The other two nodded in agreement.

Next was Jackie, maybe we can ask robin about it she did say she was a carpenter? Though he didn't sound very sure.

Yeah micaiah said while stretching but first I say we just deal with it tonight and go to sleep.

Neither carry or Jackie apposed to that idea.

So I don't really have the best track record of finishing books I normally get really burnt out and don't finish them or just straight up forget about them, but I'm really going to try with this one.

So sorry if my up load schedule is really slow or bad but I will try to stay on track

And with that aside I hope you enjoy the book :)

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