Chapter 19

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The ocean was calm and quiet as The Going Merry sailed through it. Maki was staring up into the sky lying on the deck, near Nami.

Maki closed his eyes enjoying the breeze. When Usopp spoke up.

"Guys! Someday, I will go to Elbaf! To the village of warriors!" He declared proudly.

"Yeah! Okay!" Luffy yelled his arms up in the air the two cheered together loudly.

Maki glanced over at them as they danced around and sung a little cheer. Nami spoke up sighing heavily.

"They sure are full of energy..." She mumbled. The color on her face drained a little.

His eyebrows furrowed, he had originally planned to catch up on all the sleep he missed over the week, but decided against it after noticing her condition. She was growing weaker. He decided not to say anything, instead staying close to her to watch carefully.

Nami sighed putting a hand on her head, sweat dripping from her forehead.

"I'm suddenly so exhausted after everything that's happened..." She said and then glanced at Vivi. "Vivi. Could you watch this compass for me?" She handed her the Eternal Pose.

"Sure." Vivi said holding it carefully. She was in deep thought as she stared at it.

Nami smiled tiredly, "now you can finally return to Alabasta. Well, assuming we can make it there safely, of course..."

"Yes! I must return!" Vivi said her words full of determination. "After all I'm..." she didn't speak for a little while thinking hard. "I will return to Alabasta, alive..." she said quietly after a while.

"There's no need to push yourself so hard, Vivi-chan." Sanji said coming down the stairs to all of them. He was holding a plate of deserts and confidently pointed to himself. "You have me!"

Luffy and Usopp gathered around them staring at the deserts.

"Yours are in the kitchen!" Sanji groaned.

"Alright!" Luffy yelled, as him, Usopp and Karoo all tried to beat each other inside.

Nami let out a deep sigh, her vision becoming blurry.

On the other side of the ship Zoro was swinging massive metal dumbbells. "2603! 2604! 2605!" Sweat ran down his body as he took heavy breaths.

"If only I could've cut that wax..." he mumbled. The only thing on his mind was how effortlessly Maki moved his sword to cut the wax in half. "...I wouldn't have left anyone hanging..." he then continued to swing them.

Maki laid there staring off into the sky. He kept shooting Nami glances, but sat up quickly when he noticed he flushed she had gotten in such a short amount of time.

"Vivi... sorry... I think... I'm gonna... lie down." She said weakly.

"No problem, Nami-san!" Vivi smiled not noticing anything wrong. "I'll keep an eye on our course. You should get some rest."

Maki quickly ran over. Nami attempted to stand up, but she fell over. Maki ran over and caught her before she could hit the deck.

"Nami!" He shouted. She was sweating, her face red, and breathing heavily. All signs of a high fever.

Maki placed his hand on her forehead. "Jesus... that's abnormal..." he thought to himself.

Vivi ran over, "is she alright?" She asked.

"No. High fever." Maki responded quickly carrying her.

Vivi stood up and shouted, "everyone! Come here! This is bad!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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