Chapter 9

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Nami rested her head against Maki's chest. Breathing slowly. Her tears slowly drying. And her brain slowly becoming less foggy. Her face turned a little red and she backed away.

"S-sorry" She whispered. "T-that was embarrassing, h-huh?" Maki stood up.

"Not at all. Im happy to help if it makes you a little at ease."

She glanced up at him, a smile on her face. Then her mind was forced to remember what kind of situation she was in. For a second, she had almost forgotten about what was going on down at Arlong Park. She stood up next to him.

"I-I've cried enough... a-as much as I wanted too..." she gently slapped her face with her hands and reached for her wooden staff. Maki glanced at her.

"Let's go. There isn't much time."


"Which one of you is Arlong?" Luffy asked breaking through the door.

"Arlong?" The fishman sitting in the lounge chair glanced over at him. "My name happens to be Arlong..."

"I'm Luffy." He stated walking closer and closer to Arlong.

"Luffy?" Arlong asked, "So, what are you?"

"A pirate!"

"Hold it, you!" Two fishmen blocked Luffy's path. "Where do you think you're goin'?!"

"You need to run things by use first, kiddo."

"Move!" Luffy shouted slamming their two heads in to each other. Arlong eye's widened a little.

"What does a pirate want with me?!" He asked.

Luffy gripped his wrist with his other hand getting in a punching position. He then sent a punch right at Arlong's face, sending him to the wall.

Arlong sat there and glanced at him. "Who the hell are you?"

Steam came out of Luffy's nose as he angrily looked at Arlong.

"Don't make our Navigator cry!" He said with an enraged expression.


Sanji struggled to get up. His entire body shaking.

"I can kill humans like you without even directly touching you if I have some water. That's the difference between fishmen and humans."

Sanji went to kick him but Arlong easily dodged. Sending the water pellets right into his stomach. Sanji clutched his stomach in pain.

"Arlong!!" Nami shouted, Maki standing next to her.

"B-Big Bro Maki! B-big Sis Nami!" Yosaku and Johnny said.

"Hey, Nami. Seems you've brought a friend. I was just about to crush some pirates right now. What'd you come here for?"

Maki didn't say anything yet, coldly staring at Arlong.

Nami glanced up her eyes full of resolve. "To kill you..."

"Kill me?" Arlong laughed loudly and then glanced at her. "You never learn, do you? How many times did you try to kill me during the eight years you were with us?" He grinned, "You tried assassinations, poison, sneak attacks... Were you ever able to actually kill me? You must be completely aware that you mere humans can't kill me." Maki's cold stare turned into a glare.

"Now, listen. I won't kill you..." Arlong said, "and you can't escape from me... Nami." He coldly stared. "You'll be our surveyor forever." Nami's eyes widened. Maki had just about reached his breaking point.

"But as you know, I'm a good-natured man. If possible, I want you to be our surveyor of your own free will." He raised his arm up to the sky, "So, how about this? I'll be killing everyone here except you." Nami's eyes changed, her anger becoming greater.

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