Chapter 5

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"Pearl cymbals!" Pearl shouted before slamming the shields on his hands into Sanji's face. Sanji fell to the ground and clenched his fist.

"I took everything away... from that damn geezer... So that I could live... His power..." He tightened the grip of his fist, "his dream... This restaurant is that geezer's treasure! I... I can't repay the damn geezer for his kindness." He stood up... "unless I risk my life for him too!"

Luffy enraged sent his foot straight up to the sky. "Gum-Gum..."

"Stop it! Keep your hands off of them!" Sanji shouted to Luffy. Maki anticipated what was about to happen and jumped away. Luffy's foot collided with the fins and shattered the foot hold. Maki jumped back and grinned

"You crazy bastard..."


"How dare that brat do such a thing?" Don Krieg said, his temper beginning to increase exponentially. "Is he trying to destroy the ship?!" Krieg lifted his arm, "Ghin! Blow Zeff's brain out!"

Ghin stood there not knowing what to do. Don shouted louder, "Do it already!" Ghin lowered his head. "B-but he saved our lives by giving us 100 meals!"

Krieg grit his teeth, "Ghin, you son of a bitch!" Luffy quickly cut him off before he could say anything else.

"Hey! I didn't really attack you guys or anything..." he turned back to Don, "I only broke the fin."

Sanji slowly tried to sit up, "Hey, chore boy! What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'll sink it." Luffy said in a calm tone. Causing Sanji to sit up and walk over to him.

"What?!" Sanji shouted.

Luffy turned to him, "I'll sink this ship."

Every cook gasped in surprise and Krieg's men shouted out, "That ain't funny!"

"I was wondering how you'd explain that... Are you crazy, you damn bastard?!" Sanji grabbed Luffy by the his shirts collar.

Maki spoke up, "You haven't figured that out yet?"

"If I destroy the ship, there'll be no reason for them to attack." Luffy said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What?!" Sanji shouted. To which Zeff let out a small chuckle. Still being held at gunpoint.

"What do you know? What do you know about the significance of the kindness I received? What do you know about this restaurant?!" Sanji shouted in his face.

"So you're gonna die for the restaurant? Are you stupid or something?" Luffy asked calmly. Maki chuckled.

"That must really hurt coming from you."

"What'd you say?!" Sanji shouted, and Luffy slapped his hand away and instead grabbed him by the collar.

"Dying isn't... something you should do to repay kindness!!" Luffy shouted gripping him harder. "That's not what he saved you for! Being given life and yet dying... is something that a weakling would do!" Luffy shouted.

"Can't argue with that." Maki smiled softly as he watched Luffy.

"Now, now, you guys... stop fighting." Pearl said moving closer to the three. "It's simply disgraceful for you to fight among yourselves after all this. You can't do any more reckless things while the hostage is with us anyway." The three of them turned to stare at Pearl, "It was unfortunate for you guys to have the Krieg Pirates as your opponents." Pearl laughed loudly. "Burn to death with my fire pearls!" He said beginning to conjure the white flames again.

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