Chapter 6

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"This is where you die!" Don Krieg shouted. Swinging his spear directly at him, Luffy before contact punched it once more. When the smoke cleared. Luffy grinned as Don Krieg's spear cracked.

"M-my Mighty Battle Spear is... What the hell did you do?!"

"I gave it five punches." Luffy grinned. "I guess that's it for your spear.

Maki chuckled and smiled watching the fight.

"Not bad captain."


"Prepare yourself." Luffy said slowly standing up. "This is a big enough foothold." Don Krieg clicked his tongue.

"With a foothold this size, I can kick your ass." Luffy said with a confident smirk

"What?" Krieg asked annoyed.

"With the spear blade broken, that's just a bomb on a stick. The power is cut by half." Luffy said.

"You think so?" Krieg asked

"Yeah, I do."

Don Krieg chuckled, "A bomb on a stick? So what of it? Given the shape you're in, it's more than enough force to blow you away. With your body falling apart like that, whatever you say sounds like just a bluff."

"It's not a bluff" Luffy said with a smile.

"Just give it up!" Krieg lifted his spear. "The moment you defied me, you singed your death warrant!"

"I won't die!" He stuck out his tongue. "Bleah!"

"He certainly has a way of taunting his opponents." Maki chuckled.

Don Krieg charged at Luffy. Swinging, Luffy jumped up and stretched to latch onto the mast.

"Hey! I'm over here!" He taunted.

"That monkey!" Krieg swung at the mast destroying it.

Luffy broke off a piece of the mast and launched it straight at Krieg.

"It's useless!" Krieg shouted using a small cannon attached to his arm that shot out fire. Burning the mast.

Luffy grinned and began to throw rapid fire punches at Don Krieg's armor. "Gum-Gum Gatling!"

Krieg stood there smirking as Luffy launched punch after punch. He chuckled when Luffy dropped down. "Weak! Your punches are worthless against this Woots Steel Armor! You can't even make a dent in it."

"He's incredible at creating horrible names" Maki thought staring at the fight.

Luffy inhaled and charged at Don Krieg. "Gum-Gum Pistol!" He punched Krieg right in the stomach.

"How impudent!" Krieg was unfazed and grabbed Luffy throwing him and hitting him with the spear. Sending him to other side of the foothold.

Krieg laughed slowly walking towards Luffy. "Useless! Useless! How useless! This armor won't break, even with hundreds of monkey punches!"

Luffy got up, "I think I'm pretty close..."

"He is. No doubt" Maki thought. Squinting his eyes to get a better look. The armor was slightly cracked in the middle.

When Luffy looked up, Don Krieg was gone.

"I'm right here!" He shouted and Luffy turned around, Krieg was all the way at the top of the mast. "Now listen. The ultimate force means the strongest equipment and the strongest power!" He grinned. "The strong one is the one who survives." Luffy began running towards him.

"Then. That'll be me! Gum-Gum..."

"Useless! Useless! It's useless!" Krieg readied his spear as Luffy's arms stretched backwards. Krieg swung and hit the mast, but Luffy ran straight through.

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