Ch. IX ✡Lucifer✡

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Unlike a stupid apple. That's just plain weird.

You glance at Alastor, sensing his change in energy when Lucifer arrived.
You smirk, opening the conversation for taunting. "Does the King of Hell really get under your skin THAT much?"

Alastor groans a little, refusing to respond to you. He'd only feed you by giving a reaction, and that's the last thing he wants right now.

"Is it because you're jealous?" you whisper, "and why not? Lucifer is...quite the catch."
Alastor clenches the shot glass.

You hit a nerve.
Smirking, you continue. "He's King of Hell. Not only that, but he's also feared and respected by all. Dare I say...he's even handsome."

Alastor stands up. "I am not going to sit by and play this little game of yours," turning, he goes to walk to the door that'll take him someplace private where he can calm his anger and nerves that you continue to poke and poke time and time again.

Handsome? Alastor scoffs. You think he's actually HANDSOME?!
Well...that's your issue.

Alastor shuts the door behind him, standing in the silent and dimly lit room, alone with his thoughts.

When Lucifer arrived, Alastor witnessed a blush form on your cheeks, and you complimented Lucifer's features.
Alastor clenches a fist.

He shouldn't care. He really, REALLY, shouldn't care.
And yet...he feels jealous.

Alastor is so used to having all demon species of women--from small to large--fangirl over him, drool over him, compliment him, beg him to just have a taste of his love and affection.

Though he never gave them what they wanted, and they all suffered. He just enjoyed that it was another form of torture. It's a jolly good show after all! Having a fan club, and watching them squirm in his presence, or fluster. Their hearts pounding harshly against their chests...aching, yearning...for him.

Only for him to deny it all and turn a blind eye to those who find him attractive.

But when it comes to you...YOU are someone who is actually worthy of Alastor's time. Someone who is high ranked alongside Alastor. Someone who--dare Alastor say--is his type.

But you've never shown any interest in Alastor. In fact, all you do is tease and mock him, and break his pride and ego, only to waltz away with an upbeat pep in your stride while you wear a prideful smirk.

For a while, it convinced Alastor that you truly weren't easily swayed by the charming features of men, or even the charming features of himself.

Though that belief was crushed when Alastor witnessed that little blush form on your cheeks upon seeing Lucifer.

Alastor sighs.

Of course, he shouldn't dive into assumptions, since he knows nothing of your history, or that of Lucifer's.
But...he will admit one thing.

"This woman..." Alastor exhales, shaking his head.
You certainly are his greatest challenge. One that he couldn't have predicted.


"Greetings, your highness," you curtsy before Lucifer, feeling it's time to make your presence known since Lucifer had already made his rounds with everyone else. Except Alastor. Who stormed out of the room a few minutes ago.

But no matter, you don't care where Alastor goes.

Lucifer turns towards you. "Hello," he says, eyes running up and down you and your...almost intimidating height.
Lucifer is short...holding at five feet, plus a few inches. Though you stand at seven feet tall.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن