They made me sit on a chair in the centre and Gabi passed me a big gift bag. Nervously, I pulled the tape away and opened it, putting it between my legs on the floor. First, there was a pyjama set, and some slippers. There was also something meant to support my bump, which I was grateful for because this shit was getting heavy. There were some things for after the baby too, and a card with some money and a nice message. It was all very lovely, and I was extremely grateful, but I did just want to go home.
I felt like only Ally and Axel really got the signals.

"We got you something too," Luke said, passing me a bag.

It had various makeup things inside, and some giftcards, and more things for when I gave birth. I thanked them, of course, then Axel cranked up the music and pulled Maddox into the middle to start dancing, which made everyone else dance and I was able to slip off with Ally. Calum followed.

"Calum, you need to tale Charlie for ice cream and go home now,"

"Yeah, we are doing that. It was nice to see you sweetheart,"

As he hugged her, she flinched, rubbing her shoulder.

"Your shoulder hurts again?"

"Oh, yeah," she said, turning bright red

"Did he do that?"

"Yes," she said quietly, "But we broke up, and it is fine because me and you are best friends now and  sisters,"

"Do you wanna get ice cream too?"

"I will ask dad,"

"He won't mind," Calum said, "Come on, out to the car,"

We both got in the back and he drove us to an ice cream place, which I was excited about. Mainly, I was just happy to be out of all of that.

"I hope you are okay, Ally,"

"I am fine. I miss him a bit,"

"You will find someone a whole lot better," Calum said, "Nobody should be hurting you. We are all super proud of you,"

"Sorry I didn't text you much lately... I made dad take my phone away because he was sending me horrible messages,"

"He is an awful person,"

"I feel awful ! I stopped being with dad, and my brother, and everyone else for him even though he hurt me,"

"You thought he loved you," I said, holding her hand, "More than anyone else. The real people who love you will be understanding,"

"They were,"

"Good. We can go for mocktails twice,"

"You could go for them now?"

"No, dad. It doesn't work like that,"

"Yeah Calum, it doesn't," Ally giggled, "How many scoops of ice cream do we get?"

"Charlie can only have one but I suppose you can have as many as your heart pleases,"


"Alright. We will come back after the babies are born and you can both get at least three,"

When we went inside, Calum put his arm round my shoulder and kissed my head, getting weird again. I hugged him back, but I thought Ally needed one more than me. Once we chose our ice cream, he sent us to sit down, so we chose a table and waited for him to bring it over. I chose chocolate ice cream.

"Calum, can Ally come for a sleepover?"

"Do you fancy that, Ally?"


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