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𝐀𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐢

"Leave!" A deep voice boomed making me push Darnel off of me and ran to the room.

I packed the little bag I did have and left.

I didn't even bother to check out because the room wasn't even in my name. I paid someone to get it for me being that I was too scared to show my face in that lobby. Darnel men could have been in there.

I pulled off back to the city and instead of going to Darnel's house I went to my Mawmaw's house.

It took me about 45 minutes to get there being that she live outside of the city too. When I got there I unlocked the door and rushed to my granny room to make sure she was okay & unharmed.

When I got in there she was okay sleeping with her bonnet on. I sighed in relief and went to kiss the top of her head before going to my old room.

Everything was the same. I loved that she never changed my room. I moved out when I turned 19 years old, I am currently 24 years old. If that's not love, I don't know what is!

I laid down in my bed flat on my back and blew out a breath of relief. Someone had finally got his ass, I was free.

Everyday after I left the strip club or cashed in my check from school I stored all my money at my Mawmaws. I jumped up and went to lock the door then went to the restroom connected to my room and moved the tiles on the celling to get all three of my duffle bags to count my money.

I'd been saving for 3 years now. At first I just used to spend because I could. When I found out who that man really was and what he could do to me I started stacking all my money so I could run.

I didn't have to run anymore. I could get my own place, a better car, and maybe go on shopping spree with my granny. It was endless things I could now do but I had to save some of this money. I couldn't spend it all, anything could happen.

As I counted I noticed my numbers weren't adding up. I knew nobody knew where my money was at but I'm damn near down with the first bag and still in the 9,000. I should be almost to 22,000 yet I'm at 9,000.

I don't know who would be dumb enough to touch my money but they gots to see me & that's for certain.

I cursed out loud as I finished the first bag only counting 18,000. I know damn well I had more. I counted each bag before I put them up. The first containing, 22,000, the second 34,000, and lastly 64,000. Some months I saved more and the others I just spent my money because I had it. Back to this bullshit tho. If I'm not mistaken, I should have at least 120,000 to my name as of right now.

I counted every other back and all my money was there. Just this first bag is coming up short leaving me at 116,00. My granny wouldn't steal from me. Right?

I decided to be sure I was going to put all my money in my car and move it tonight. I felt this was dumb but I did it anyway.

Once I was finished I went to my Mawmaw's room to wake her up.

"Get up Mawmaw" I shook her trying to get her to wake up. She was a heavy sleeper so it always took me a while to get her to get up.

"What chile" she mumbled swatting my hand away from her.

"Get up, I have a question for you" I told her pulling her up so she could sit up.

"What's the question. Make it quick, I was just bouta get nasty with yo grandad" she rolled her eyes.

"Ew" I mugged.

"Did you touch my money?" I asked hoping she would say no.

"The money in my celling? If so yes ma'am. I shol did" she nodded.

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