to you being anti-kira

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light - (as kira) this hurts him. he thinks that what he's doing is justice and you calling it evil makes him question everything. eventually he realises it is an advantage to him as he can use the fact that you hate kira as evidence that he can't be kira which makes your relationship stronger!! if you found out and were going to tell l he would probably kill you and as many kira haters as he could find on the internet with the death note at once to cover it up.
(not kira) would agree with you that kira is evil but secretly question whether he would actually do what kira does if he had the powers...

l - he's happy that you have the same beliefs as him. since he trusts you so much he might even let you help with the investigation.

misa - when you're talking about kira with her and mention that you hate kira, she gets a bit angry and tells you the real reason she worships kira. you become more sympathetic towards kira after finding out how he helped your girlfriend and misa understands that you can't fully support a serial killer.

matsuda - he agrees with you that kira is evil and you discuss what you'd do if you had kira's powers. matsuda brings up the fact that crime has gone down significantly since kira started killing but you both agree that kira's method is wrong. he would probably let slip things about the investigation that he probably shouldn't tell you, but it's alright since you want to catch kira as much as the members of the taskforce.

ryuk - he thinks it's fair enough. he doesn't care what humans do with the death note as long as it's entertaining - the ethics of the death note aren't important to him.

soichiro - is very happy that you hate kira as much as he does! he's very passionate about justice and he's glad to be with someone who is as well.

aizawa - glad that the two of you are on the same page but refuses to tell you anything about the investigation to keep you safe.

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