all the good girls go to hell

Start from the beginning

I stole a glance at Ish, her chocolate-colored eyes glancing around, I could see the faint pink blush she'd applied, now that she was standing right below the golden lights.

"Are you sure we should be doing this, Maia?" she asked. She was the school's co-captain for a reason. Ishita hated breaking the rules.

"I won't let you get any of the blame, promise," I muttered, as I walked into boys' dormitories. I knew which room belonged to Ambrose.

The one at the edge of the hall. I rushed over, banging on the door to his room, I felt an awful lot like Maddie from Euphoria.

"Fucking hell, Kensington, are you that much of a pussy to not even open up the door?" I snarled, nails clicking against the mahogany door.

I noticed there's a crowd gathered around, curious boys wondering why there's a girl in their hall. "Where is Kensington?" I said, shooting them a questioning glare.

"Hiding in his dorm. Speaking of that, you should be in yours, Maia," I heard Ares Alistair's gorgeous voice. I loved how he spoke, the way words flew off his tongue is positively charming.

"Don't tell me what to do, Ares," I said, calmly. Ares is off-limits, and I hate it. He's my brother, Nate's, best friend, they've been best friends since they were in their diapers and Nate would die if he ever let Ares come even slightly close to me.

I knocked against the door again, and I was met with a groggy Spencer Sinclair. Spencer didn't talk, literally. If we didn't have English Literature together, I wouldn't know of his existence. He looked at me, then at Ish, then turned around to who I assumed must be Ambrose.

"It's Maia...Cortez," he mumbled, to Ambrose, and I heard heavy footsteps before I was met with Ambrose's annoying face. He had a smug smile plastered on his face as if he thinks I won't do anything.

"Look who it is, the nerd. No more braces but still the same, pathetic personality," he drawled, as he looked at me. Ambrose is only an inch taller than me, he's about five foot nine.

I shot him a glare, my fists clenched. I should be calm, I really should, but I simply cannot stay calm around him.

"Shut up, what is your problem with me?" I said, cracking my knuckles.

"Maybe how much of an absolute loser you are. I just want everyone to see you for the real bitch you are," he said, and before I could hold it, I slapped him across the face. I simply didn't care.

I could hear cheers of 'fight!' 'fight!' 'fight!' and I gave in. I slapped him once more before he grabbed me by the wrist.

"You wouldn't want everyone knowing about how much of a desperate loser you are, would you, Maia? You wouldn't want them knowing about how-" he was cut off by an aggressive punch from Ares.

I've never seen Ares mad. That guy is calmer than anyone I know. "Stop stirring drama, Ambrose," he said, dryly, as Ambrose grunted.

"Bullying is prohibited, Ambrose, if I hear one more complaint against you, I'll send your files to the principal," Ish said, clearly. Despite the principal being Ambrose's mom, you can tell she doesn't care a lot about him.

She rarely ever acknowledged his existence, and when she did, it was mostly half-hearted, like it's some duty she's forced to maintain.

"I hope you burn to death, Maia," Ambrose yelled out, as I froze in my tracks.

"I hope you die. And trust me, no one will be upset," I said, as Ish held my hand and dragged me out of the dormitory hall, ignoring the hushed whispers from the rest of the boys.

The Night of Ambrose Kensington's murder

The annual Westview Midnight Masquerade was the biggest party of the year. It was the only official party that the school hosted, at the Kensington mansion.

Every person from every clique was invited. Plus, the food was awesome. I strolled across the halls, wearing a black lace dress. I'd only just bought it a week ago.

Ish had disappeared on me. She'd said something about losing her mask, but I hadn't been able to spot her for the last ten minutes.

I scanned the area for some familiar faces. The teachers were present, roaming around, I swore I saw Ms. Anderson checking out Mr. Rossi. I'm pretty sure those two were going around, they were young, and Ms. Anderson always fumbled over her words around him.

I saw Ares, looking just as handsome as ever. I wondered how anyone could look as good as he did. I hated how he looked at me as just Nate's twin sister. I wish he looked at me the way I looked at him.

Pushing my unrequited feelings aside, I gave him a wave. "Ares, have you seen Ishita around anywhere?" I asked him.

The Kensington mansion hadn't been lit up a lot, that's what added to its crypticness. It was huge, designed like a goddamn maze. I wondered how people lived here.

"I think I saw her near one of the bathrooms, with Nate and some other girl," he shrugged, as he led the way.

I saw a door, with the word bathroom scrawled on it with neat cursive, the letters decorated with white paint, and tiny hearts drawn around.

"I doubt they'll be in the bathroom together," I muttered, as I opened the handle to the door. It was all dark. No Ish, no Nate.

"This isn't a bathroom," Ares frowned, as he walked over to what looked like a bed, almost about to sit on it, before a high-pitched squeal left my lips.

There was a goddamn body, right on the place Ares was going to sit. "Someone's there," I said, to Ares, who hastily turned on the lights.

Right in front of us, lay Ambrose Kensington, dead. Blood was all around him, his eyes shut. No possible murder weapon laid around, however it seemed like he'd been stabbed.

He'd been killed. "Ares, Ares, he's dead," I whispered, eyes wide as I took a step backward. There was no possible way someone had just died. There was no possible way Ambrose Kensington had died.

And before all this could even register in my mind, my phone's screen lit up, a text message on the top.

"He's dead now. Be careful before making wishes. Wouldn't want everyone to know what you did two summers ago," the text read.

There was no way this was happening.

iris speaks <3

Do not ask how long this took, because I am a very slow writer, like I simply could not finish writing, and I kept changing up the styles.

Also, I am aware how sappy this is, I'll do more...detailed chapters, please tolerate me for now.

Maia was the first, because she seemed the easiest to write ahah. Who's your favorite so far, and what do you think of Maia?

Mwah, love you guys 1000.

Word Count : 2290

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