Part 54

12 4 21

Jin's phone rang as soon as he stepped out of the elevator of sixth floor of the hospital.


["Kim. Seok. Jin.. I'm right, right?"]

Recognizing MinYeong's voice he felt his blood boiling in anger. "did you call me because you're ashamed that those silly men of yours couldn't take Yoon Eunseo?"

Hearing her name, Eunseo immediately looked at him with with widened eyes as she figured out it was MinYeong or Richard.

["Oh come on! It's Kang MinYeong.. Do you think I can ever fail? Do you think I don't know that my son is working for you now?"] he laughed. ["You should not make a move only knowing half of the information."] he said in a low voice.

"what do you mean?" Jin asked getting tensed but didn't express it in his voice.

MinYeong chuckled and said, ["try to figure out yourself."] he cut the call.

"what did he say?" she asked as Jin pulled away his phone from his ear.

"Something's wrong.. He must've done something." he said and ran forward. "check on Ella." he said and ran to Namjoon's cabin as it was the closest one.

He found him ok so moved towards Taehyung's.

Opening the door he found the room empty and walked in.

He got worried as negative thoughts started crossing his mind and just then the door of the washroom opened and Tae came out on his wheelchair.

He ran to him and asked while checking him, "You're ok right? Did anyone unknown come here?"

"uh.. Yeah. What'd happen to me?"

"Don't get out of this room and lock the door. Don't let anyone come inside other than one of us or your mom ok?"

"everything's ok right?"

"I don't think so.. Kang MinYeong tried to attack Eunseo but fortunately she didn't get hurt but Something's wrong."

"what? Is she really ok?"

"yeah, yeah. But MinYeong did something else for sure so please listen to me."

"Okay..." he said and Jin turned around to leave. "be careful, hyung.."

Jin again turned around and stared at him for some seconds and walked out of the room.

Eunseo's phone buzzed as she took it out of her pocket and opened the group chat.

@Handsome Jin😎
Everyone's ok right?

Give a thumbs up.


👍 But why did he suddenly attack?

Eunseo you're ok right?

@Tae 😘
Jin hyung I think I should stay with Ella Noona?

@Handsome Jin 😎
Yeah, right. That'll be better.

Wait I'm coming back.

@Hobi🥰 I'm ok don't worry🙂

Wait wtf's goin on?

Kang MinYeong tried to kidnap me today. He sent some men to out office building but thanks to Jin I'm all ok.

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