gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss

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If Sasha was being completely honest with herself, she would have actually enjoyed this field trip. Sure, Perseus was there, but Sasha was willing to look past that in favour of the beautiful art and stories found in the metropolitan museum of art.

Of course Sasha never gets anything she wants.

Fucking gods cant give her one thing. Already they were fighting like petty little kids up in Olympus, the freak weather they were causing let the whole of New York know. Sure Sasha didn't know exactly what they were arguing about, because Chiron can't let them know anything ever, but Sasha was sure it was probably something stupid as usual with Zeus being the youngest sibling and him making it super fucking obvious all the time.

But if there was one thing Sasha couldn't stand, it was Nancy Bobofit. Note Sasha called her a 'thing'. That's because Nancy doesn't deserve to be called a person. Nancy chose to pick on one of her best friends Grover just because she could. Nancy was one of the only people at this school who took the whole 'delinquent' thing seriously.

Hold up quick side note. Sasha was not a delinquent, despite what her Aunt and Uncle want to say. She's a demigod, which means anytime there's trouble, it manages to stick to her like a magnet. That's just the demigod life. But of course her Aunt and Uncle don't understand that. Well, it was more Sasha's Aunt, her Uncle pretty much existed. Though don't be mistaken, he too did not like Sasha. She was like an inconvenience to him, both of them really, but that was it. To her Aunt, she was this terrible demon-spawn or something along those lines, and took it upon herself to keep Sasha away from the house as long as possible. This meant boarding school all year round, straight to camp, then straight back to another boarding school as Sasha probably got expelled or something.

So yeah. Not delinquent. Just demigod.

Alright, back to it.

So, because Nancy was this dimwitted bully, she chose to throw peanut butter and ketchup sandwiches, gross oh my gods, at Grover on the way. Ruined day part 1.

Sasha never knew why mortals always picked on Grover. Actually that was a lie. She did know. Grover was a sweet kid, but emotional. Actually scratch that. Grover is not a kid. He's 28. But no one at Yancy except Sasha knew that. Grover had acne and a wispy beard, so everyone thought he was held back a year but in reality satyr's age differently to humans. Yes, satyr. Part of his disguise is to be a cripple, as a means to explain his funny walk/canter thing. He almost blew his cover on enchilada day. The whole cripple thing did not help his case.

"I swear to god I'm gonna fucking kill her" muttered a voice from next to Grover.

Perseus Achilles Jackson (Sasha used his government name to annoy him). Sasha knew her Aunt was sending her to the school where Grover and Chiron (also known as Mr Brunner) were assigned, but Sasha had never seen the kid they were after. All she knew was he must be really important if Chiron went to help retrieve him. When she first saw him, well, she knew it was him. He had black, messy hair which stuck up in a cute way, and deep green eyes which resembled the sea. Sasha thought he was pretty cute and they'd be friends. He was also a skater. But of course Sasha can't have a cute and nice boy. No. This kid somehow managed to get under her skin more than Nancy Bobofit, and Sasha didn't even know why.

Whilst Sasha was feeling very similarly to Perseus in that moment, she also knew to restrain herself. Their constant bickering and fighting got them in trouble with the headmaster and now they were both on probation. Sasha sat spread out on the two seats next to Grover and Percy, Grover in the isle seat serving as a barrier of peace.

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