Emotional Entanglement

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2 years have passed.

House Frey of Riverlands was completely eradicated all of a sudden, with no male survivors. The culprit was unknown to the both queens reigning in Westeros.

But neither wasted time to take control of the Riverlands with Lannister army clashing with the Baratheons at Riverrun for the first time. With the Northern aid, Ardella Baratheon won the harsh battle that claimed many lives through months of siege and bloodshed.

With it, the Starks have avenged the Red Wedding at last and freed their uncle, Edmund Tully whose rightful title as the lord of Riverlands was restored by her grace. With their only ally Lord Baelish silently observing the wars unfolding, the remaining Lannister army marched towards Highgarden in an attempt to find golds to finance their losing war.

However the flower knights were prepared per order of their queen who had suspicions that the golden lions of the West is no longer rich as they like others to believe in.

After two years of restless war, out of the Nine regions of the Seven Kingdoms, only Westerlands and Iron islands remained under Cersei's self-appointed rule. With Lannister army suffering greatly, the Lannister queen only had Euron Greyjoy as her savior and protector.

Much to the lioness's dismay even her silent ally, Lord Baelish was murdered mysteriously much like Walder Frey after the Battle of Highgarden, causing both concern and relief to the Baratheon army.

"I heard most of the Vale supports your claim but they fear their young lord Robin Arryn might become a casualty of war if they join in." Jon Snow, who has been serving as the Northern commander reported.

He has been representing his half-sister, the Lady of Winterfell on the battlefield with an agreement to go back to his post at the Wall as Lord Commander of the Night's watch after the War of Queens is over.

While the council of Ardella Baratheon decided their next advance at the Highgarden where they have reinforced the Tyrell army, Ser Davos brought a news that changed the game entirely.

"The Dorne and Yara Greyjoy has brought Daenerys Targaryen and her army to Dragonstone, your grace. She has sent you a message to come to Dragonstone and bend the knee." The old knight passed Ardella the raven scroll with urgency.

"How many soldiers does she have?" Jon Snow inquired, his brooding face troubled with another enemy appearing out of a sudden.

Ser Davos shared the same worry when he responded, "More than 50,000 soldiers, consisting of Unsullieds and Dothraki riders. Both are fearsome and capable in battle. But more importantly, she has three full grown dragons."

The many in the council gasped at the revelation. But Margaery was unfazed as her eyes focused on only Ardella who was staring at the scroll without a word.

"What shall we do, your grace?" Gendry asked but his question went unanswered by the queen.

"We can negotiate with Cersei Lannister to defeat the foreign queen together with joined force. If we rally all of Westeros, we will have a chance against the dragons, my queen." Lord Tarly suggested, causing many to object at the absurd idea.

Undisturbed by the commotion, Ardella questioned while looking at the seal, "Who is her hand of the queen?"

"It is Tyrion Lannister, your grace. Lord Varys aided his escape after the purple wedding and they went on to serve the Targaryen."

Ardella hummed, a little smirk on her face didn't go unnoticed by Margaery. The Lady of Highgarden wondered what will the Baratheon queen will do. Against Cersei, they have the upperhand with the lioness's only advantage is occupying the capital at the time. But the arrival of dragons shifted the power balance with three queens fighting for one throne.

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