House Baratheon

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Arrival of Ardella Baratheon, the daughter of Stannis Baratheon traveled fast across the Seven Kingdoms. For many, it struck fear that another war for the throne may start with Stannis's successor taking seat at Stormlands while the boy king, Tommen is vulnerable after the death of his hand and grandfather, Tywin Lannister.

Answering to the concerns of common people, a letter from King's Landing welcomed Ardella at the Storm's End. Glancing at the crown seal instead of Hand of the King's seal that she expected, the Baratheon passed the letter to Ser Davos to read it.

"Dear cousin," Seaworth started out loud and glimpsed at Ardella since the letter seems to be written by the boy king himself. Seeing the unbothered look, the knight continued to read the contents of the letter.

"Well, what does he want?"

Clearing his throat, "He says you are his only cousin and thus entitled to the title of Lady of Storm's End which he will gladly grant it upon you under the tradition of House Baratheon. And that no badblood shall reside between you as the Seven Kingdoms is fatigued and still stuggling after the War of Five Kings."

Ardella only hummed and stared at her dress in the mirror. Instead of the black on gold of Baratheon sigil, she made sure the dress is pitch black with golden engraving of stag on it instead.

"But he wants you to come to the King's Landing and join his make up for lost time as cousins...and to present peace and unity of House Baratheon to the people."

Davos Seaworth rushed after Ardella with the letter still in hand, "For someone who addresses himself, Tommen of Houses Lannister and Baratheon, he sure mentioned your house a lot."

"At least he is a little more honest than the last one." Ardella responded without stopping to discuss the matter.

Reaching the black oak door of the grand hall of Storm's End, "The boy king must not know that my title is not bestowed by him. " She said and opened the doors.

The lords of Stormlands stood in the hall, their eyes on Ardella, the last member of her house, the runaway princess who returned at the most auspicious of times.

But Ardella's eyes were on the stone throne that her ancestors held for centuries. A lone seat in the middle of the ring shaped hall that stood tall and strong through the winds of times.

Without hesitation, Ardella took her seat on the throne. Ser Davos held his breath, waiting to see whether she will address the lords as Lady of Storm's End or queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

All in the hall and more through the Stormlands shared the same attentiveness as it will set the direction of the storm they will have to brew from now on.

"I, Ardella Baratheon thank you for answering my call and honoring the vows you made to my House. Many of us have fallen since the death of my uncle and many of us have suffered with the consequences."

Her voice even and calm as if the significance of her seat did not weigh on her. "But the harshness of time never eroded the strength of the Stormlands, for we stood strong in the face of storms from the beginning of time. As your liege lady, I will rule over the Stormlands from this day until the end of my day."

Ardella's intention to accept the title of Lady of Storm's End astonished the crowd. "But the iron throne, your highness." Lord Penrose coughed with sickness.

The old lord who lost his son at the battle between Baratheon brothers still wished the last of the true Baratheons to continue the glory of Stormlanders.

More murmurs of encouragement were heard by Ardella who was both disgusted and pleased to see the War of Five Kings did not satiate the bloodthirst of Stormlands.

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