Hollow crown

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With the reinforcement of Stormlanders, Stannis's army grew larger while Ardella's heart grew heavier. With superior power at his hands, Baratheon king prepared to seize the kingdom's heart, the King's Landing. However, as much as his army was united under his flag, his inner court was divided more than ever. Ser Davos Seaworth expressed his distrust towards the Red Priestess as he fears the foreign woman with terrifying power has control over his king.

The princess of Baratheon stared at the flickering flame in her chamber. The fire that warms every house in Westeros somehow changed her destiny. How fragile is her fate to depend on such common and unimpressive thing.

Cutting her thoughts, a pair of tan arms snaked around Ardella's shoulder. Her handmaiden, Luciana's distinct fruity perfume filled her nostrils that immediately relaxed her. Luciana came from across the Narrow Sea with handful of slaves that the nobility of Westeros trained to be maids. Few years older than Ardella, Luciana was the only person who has been by her side for years.

The hot blooded foreign girl always held an exotic beauty paired with fiery spirit that shone a shred of amusement and adoration on princess's life in confinement. However, the admiration they shared have turned into something more as both girls aged and matured in each other's company.

The soothing embrace started to feel more affectionate yet exhilarating that sends a blush to young stag's cheeks. The innocent touches they are used to share became more desirable yet frightening all at the same time.

The change is felt by both of them but never been spoken as they dance around the topic while staring at each other's souls.

"What's on your mind, your highness?" The whisper from Luciana's lips sent shiver down the princess's back unintentionally.


Taking a seat across her mistress, Luciana asked more seriously this time, "Tell me."

Ardella sighed out loud and sat up only to fall on her soft bedding with a huff. With her hands on her pale face, "I am thinking about my destiny."

"What about it?" The young maid followed the girl and laid down next to her.

"Do you think I can be a queen?"

"Of course. I think you will be the most benevolent, strong and beautiful queen to ever exist." Luciana whispered the last part as she hesitantly mentions the beauty of the Baratheon she serves.

The compliment caused a brief smile to appear on Ardella's face but wasn't enough to soothe her worry. "But I'm incompetent to have such high honor."

"You are more than competent. You know a lot of things and you are working hard and training hard. I don't have a single doubt that you will be a great queen, Ardella." Luciana grabbed the princess's hand and squeezed it while staring at the girl with genuine adoration.

The endearing action touched Ardella's heart but it also made it heavy. "I know how to fight with swords, I know how to ride a horse, I even know how to rule a kingdom through the books of history..." Ardella gazed softly at Luciana and she whispered sadly, "...yet I don't know how to kiss you at this very moment."

Luciana froze for a second but Ardella's eyes held certain calmness in them as she revealed her most hidden desire to the one who caused it. A moment passed between them without a sound but the older girl leaned forward to close the distance between them hesitantly.

Luciana's lips tasted like heaven as the ecstasy of intimacy caused the young princess to shiver slightly.

The first kiss. A kiss that steals the air from the lungs all while planting most beautiful flower to bloom at heart. Ardella slowly opened her eyes after they reluctantly pulled away with a newfound happiness spreading through her soul.

The soft smiles dancing on their faces promise that it won't be their last kiss. But fate had other plans for them.


Since that day, Ardella's hellish days tasted a ray of sunshine through the moments she spends with Luciana after her challenging trainings and lessons. Additionally, as the heir of her father, Ardella was obligated to attend the war councils as his father is preparing his navy to sail for Blackwater Bay. For Stannis Baratheon, the victory was so close to the point that he could taste it. Unfortunately for him, the princess had little to no interest towards his reach for the throne.

"Ardella, stay." Stannis ordered after one of the said councils concluded. Everyone except the red priestess left and only Davos Seaworth sent a worrysome glance towards the princess before leaving.

Ardella only thought how everyone never includes Melisandre anymore before asking, "Yes, father?"

"Tell me what you understood from the meeting."

Dumbfounded by the question, Ardella raised her brows and looked between Stannis and Melisandre. "That you will sail for King's Landing in a week and take the iron throne from Joffrey Baratheon."

"He is a bastard. Not a Baratheon." Melisandre chipped in which Stannis nodded approvingly.

"Once I win my crown, the common folks will question the stability of my line since you are my heir." Stannis said inferring that Ardella becoming the next queen after him will be troublesome since she is not a male.

The princess already expected that and has been questioning the sanity of those around her for believing that she can. With a newfound sarcasm on how her father is finally seeing the problem now, she said, "And are you expecting me to march with your army to seize the King's Landing to prove my worth?"

Stannis scoffs at her, "No. You are useless in battle." The princess's jaw tightened at the open insult.

"I will be proposing a marriage offer to Robb Stark if he bends the knee after the battle is won. I intended to punish him for seeking an alliance with Renly but Melisandre saw a beast next to a stag in her vision." Her father exposed her plan to marry her for an alliance with the North.

"Only with a beast at your side, you will be able to hunt a lion." The priestess smiles and stares at the young stag with an admiration in her eyes as if she is reliving her vision of the end of House Lannister.

Ardella fully understands that she has no say in it but to obey. But her heart burned hotter with the knowledge that she will only be worthy and useful to her father if she has a fearsome man next to her. All her efforts despite her disinterest in swords and politics seems to be in vain. At the end, she is nothing more than a symbol of victory that reassures his ambition to be a king.

Despite loathing the burden that fell on her shoulder as the prophesied queen, she was trying to excel in every subject that was thrown at her because she trusted foolishly that Stannis fully believed in her to continue his legacy and her alone. Whatever it may be.

But seeing that she is still just a worthless daughter to her father, Ardella quietly nodded and left before responding, "I understand."

Unbeknownst to her, Melisandre followed her as she too, much like the onion knight, saw the hatred burning in Ardella's eyes more and more. It was powerful and bright much different than the princess's usual obedient demeanor. But it excited the red woman to see how much the young stag is holding back and hiding away. If only she could unleash the princess's power to see just how much.

Ardella seeked Luciana's company immediately which led her to search the foreign maid on the castle walls since Luciana often overlooks the ocean to reminisce her home across the Narrow Sea. The princess's pace fastens as she spotted Luciana at her usual place with a wind in her hair and smile plastered across her face. The young maid turned her face to look at Ardella who silently stood next to her with a frustration evident in her composure.

Without asking her what's wrong, she sent the princess an encouraging smile that speaks her heart and sympathy for the young stag. The simple gesture did not fail to lighten Ardella as she reciprocates with a thankful one.

Away from their innocent eyes, the red priestess observed them and she finally turned around with a devilish thought that whispered by the Lord of Light after seeing the princess reach for her handmaiden's hand.

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