Heirs of Tyrell

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Ardella was sitting at the dining table next to the young king who insisted that they have a family dinner along with his betrothed's family.

"I have sent for my children, your grace. I am sure they never meant to make you wait, your highness." Lord Tyrell nervously made excuses for the absence of his children.

Mace Tyrell, didn't strike Ardella as a fearsome man nor an intelligent man. But she knows his bannermen's loyalty and likeness towards him must have a reason. With that thought, Ardella offered him a smile to calm his nerves, "It is quite alright, my lord. The hour is still early for a supper."

Lord Tyrell sent her an appreciative look while being still fidgety under the stare of Cersei Lannister. Even the giddy king is unusually silent as if he too could feel the queen mother's displeasure towards his betrothed's tardiness.

"Our apologies for being late." Margaery rushed into the room with her brother following close behind, cutting the tension that was starting to form in her absence. "Better late than never." Queen Mother scoffed and motioned the maids to bring their food.

At her remark, Margaery's eyes hardened for a split second that didn't go unnoticed by the Baratheon. In a blink of an eye, her usual smile appeared as she pulled her brother towards Ardella, "Your highness, Allow me to introduce my brother, Loras Tyrell."

The handsome man bowed charmingly, "My princess."

Amused by the Tyrell siblings' ability to feign politeness, Ardella reciprocated, "Ser Loras."

Along with the ones who resides in the capital, Ardella has heard of the rumors regarding the Tyrell heir and his interests in the bedroom. While she would never judge him in that aspect, Ardella noted that Tyrell siblings are nothing like their father.

Perhaps it was common for children who grew up in the high court to learn how to be discreet with their true feelings and intentions. Nevertheless, it amused the Baratheon princess who was raised in seclusion.

Since they both harbor forbidden desires for their same sex, Ardella considered Loras to be a suitable husband prospect who would not only offer her the Tyrell alliance but also a life of freedom under the cloak of marriage.

Throughout the dinner, they had seemingly flirtatious conversations that made Lord Tyrell ecstatic over the possibility of having Lady of Storm's End as his daughter by law.

While it also pleased Tommen to have a lively dinner with what is left of his family, Cersei Lannister watched their interactions with malice hidden in her green eyes.

All were observed by Ardella, who never for a second forgot her place and objectives at the king's court. But she couldn't interpret the queen-to-be's impression perfectly masked by her ever so bright smile.


In a matter of days, Ardella charmed the court officials and highlords of Westeros that came for the royal wedding. Many of them did not expect the daughter of cold and stiff Stannis Baratheon to be a good company.

It was a surprising delight for them to discuss current affairs with the Lady of Storm's End who proves herself not only intelligent but witty to keep the conversations flow easily. She would often insist the king to accompany her which Tommen appreciates innocently as he has no experience mingling with his court or lords.

"You are wonderful. Thank you." Tommen breathed out after the group of lords and ladies left their side after a long and light-hearted debate about wines and such.

Still sipping one of the sample wines, Ardella asked, "For what?"

Her wandering gaze met Margarry Tyrell's who seem to be watching her for quite a long time. While Ardella stared back at her, she heard the king, "I have never done this you know. Speaking and talking with lords and ladies of my court. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't even know how. But by standing just next to you, I feel part of the conversation, part of them, part of something."

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