Her queen

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In the council meeting, Daario Naharis proved himself a useful man as he revealed his plan to infiltrate the city through its back gate. The subtle glances and touch between him and the queen that can only be translated as flirting, didn't go unnoticed by the Baratheon.

"I will go with him." She volunteered after Jorah expressed his suspicions of the Second Son. "What makes you think that you are qualified to take on such important task?" Mormont's doubt shifted to her.

"One, I killed more Baratheon elite soldiers who received more training than you ever did. Two, you are hesitant to put your life at the hands of a stranger. Three, seeing that I have nowhere to run, I might as well start paying my dues around here." The Baratheon didn't bother to hide her distaste of the old knight as she listed down.

"But you have no war experience, your highness." Ser Barristan expressed his concern which Ardella quickly dismissed, "We all got to start somewhere."

Much like her queensguard, Daenerys Targaryen was against the princess's decision as she was well aware of the risks of this secret operation, "No, you can't go."

However, the queen's opposition only infuriated the Baratheon further, "Why? Because you don't trust me? Or because I am your prisoner afterall?"

"No, I only meant..." Daenerys started but Ardella cut her off, "I declared my alliance to you and acknowledged you as my queen. If you have accepted me as your subject and yourself as my queen, act like one and let me serve you."

The dragon's blazing eyes met with the stag's fury through her brown eyes. "Fine. Go." Daenerys commanded, obviously displeased with the princess's questioning of her authority when she was prioritizing her safety.

Ardella hummed and turned to leave but Ser Jorah stopped her, "You will not behave disrespectfully like this again."

"Who are you to tell me how I should behave?" The princess's eyes narrowed as her already sour mood reached its extent. "A disgraced minor lord from a nameless house in the North. A banished slave trader who miraculously found himself in the council of the last Targaryen." Ardella chuckled darkly and approached the Mormont, "I may not call myself a royalty in the presence of the queen I allied with but I am a Baratheon. I will not have the likes of you lecture me."

Ardella left without another word, leaving the Targaryen's council silent at her fury. Only Daario found the fiery princess amusing as he saw the murderous intent in her eyes and wondered how many men will fall under her blade tonight.

Not long after, Missandei joined Ardella in her tent at sunset. "Daario Naharis and Grey Worm are waiting for you, princess."

The formal title she refused to be called by Missandei made Ardella wince. She knew her harsh words to Mormont must have affected the translator and everyone who were present.

"You may think I am an entitled princess but that wasn't the reason I snapped at Jorah." Ardella started, "I spent my childhood in confinement without knowing much of titles and privileges but one day my father named me as his heir. Then I spent my days doing everything my father ordered because I had a foolish belief that my father will be satisfied with me as if I were ... a son."

Missandei attentively listened to the young princess who seems to be trying hard to open her heart, "But no matter how much I have tried to prove myself, I was never enough. In his eyes, because I am a girl, my only worth to him was a betrothal to another king"

"I truly hoped to be more than that to Daenerys Targaryen." Ardella sighed. "Ser Jorah and Barristan's doubts must have opened an old wound then." Missandei replied understandingly.

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