7| Confusion 

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I never could have imagined the horror that awaited me. My dreams were filled with the people I held closest to my heart - Tyrell, Jill, and Carlos - but they were not the people I knew. Instead, they were twisted and distorted, their once familiar faces now zombified and filled with a hunger for my destruction. They begged for my help, but I was helpless, forced to watch as they suffered and turned on me in their desperation. My slumber had become a nightmare filled with terror and dread.

Suddenly, my attention was pulled to Carlos, who was calling out my name in a panicked voice. "Y/n. Y/n. Y/n!" He said before I suddenly burst awake, letting out a growl. Carlos took a step back in shock. "Woah, didn't mean to scare you," he said, trying to calm me down.

As I held my chest, trying to recollect myself, he noticed the bandage wrapped around my arm. "What happened to your arm?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"It's nothing. Just a cut," I brushed off his question, still shaken from my nightmare. But as Carlos continued speaking, I couldn't shake off that nightmare I just had.

The images and feelings were still vivid in my mind, making it difficult to focus on anything else. "Hey, are you even listening to me?" Carlos asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry. I just zoned out," I replied, still trying to shake off the lingering effects of the nightmare. I rubbed the back of my head, feeling a sense of unease and anxiety. The nightmare had felt so real, it was hard to believe it wasn't.

As Carlos reloaded his AR and checked his magazine, he continued his explanation to me. "Like I was saying, I gave Jill the last vaccine," he said. "Dr. Bard was already dead when I got to him, but I did find a file hinting that there may be more in the basement." He went into further detail, "For now, I need you to keep watch over Jill. And Tyrell, is outside the room on the computer in case anything happens."

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked Carlos, my curiosity piqued as I watched him prepare himself.

"I'm going to get the vaccine," Carlos exclaimed. "We should take that with us before the city explodes," he added, before rushing out of the room, leaving me in a state of confusion.

I couldn't shake off the words that just left Carlos's mouth. "Before the city explodes," I murmured to myself, frantically trying to make sense of the chaos and put the pieces together.

I sat there, bewildered and confused, as Carlos words echoed in my mind. "I was left in a trance, unable to put two and two together," I thought to myself. What in the hell was he talking about? His words about the city exploding left me with a sense of unease. Was he aware of something I wasn't, or was he losing his mind? I turned to Jill, hoping for some clarity, but my mind was racing with possibilities. I couldn't afford to lose my mind like he seemed to be. I had to stay calm, but the dread was creeping in. The whole situation left me with more questions than answers, but one thing was for sure - I couldn't be like him. I couldn't lose my mind.

I couldn't lose my mind. But as doubts crept in, I started questioning my own sanity. What if my belief of being sane was just a sign of my descent into madness? Panic set in as I realized that Carlos was right, the infection must be taking hold of me. My thoughts were scattered, and I couldn't focus. Was Jill experiencing the same terrifying thoughts as I was? I prayed that she was safe in her own little world. But what if she was trapped in her own nightmares, just like I was? The fear consumed me, and I couldn't stop the thoughts from spiraling out of control. I was losing my mind, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Frustration and anger boiled inside me as I let out a string of expletives under my breath. My heart was racing and my mind was spinning, until I couldn't take it anymore. With a sudden burst of energy, I launched out of my chair, only to trip over my own feet and crash onto the hard ground. Pain shot through my body, and I couldn't help but let out another curse. But as the adrenaline wore off, my mind finally calmed down and I let out a deep sigh, knowing that I needed to collect myself before trying to stand up again.

After a few moments of laying on the floor, I finally gathered the strength to get up. As I hissed in pain and used my arm to push myself up, I momentarily forgot about the bite wound on it. But once I was back on my feet, I quickly dusted myself off and scanned the room.

My eyes landed on a bottle of water and a sink. Without thinking much, I made my way towards the refreshing drink and opened it, taking a few sips to quench my thirst. But the real wake-up call came when I poured some of the water onto my face, jolting me back to the present moment and grounding me in reality.

As I held the bottle of water, I could feel the grime and sticky blood covering my face and hands. I began pouring the water onto my skin, relishing the cool sensation as it washed away the evidence of tonight. With each splash of water, I could feel myself becoming a little more presentable, a little more human, after being covered in dirt and blood.

After patting my skin dry, I turned around to only hear a faint moan coming from behind me. My heart raced as I slowly turned to see Jill, awakening from her sleep. I watched in amazement as she sat up in her bed, her eyes fluttering open for the first time in a couple hours. A wave of relief washed over me as I realized she was finally awake and on the road to recovery.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed, my heart racing as I hurried over to her bedside. A brilliant smile lit up my face as I stood next to her, unable to contain my joy. "You're awake," I said in disbelief, reaching out to gently grasp her arm. But then, in a sudden turn of events, Jill's lips crashed onto mine, and for a moment, I was stunned. But as I melted into the passionate kiss, I couldn't help but reciprocate with the same amount of intensity.

After a few seconds of our passionate kiss, we pulled away and I couldn't help but look at her with confusion. I couldn't understand why she had suddenly kissed me. "Wait, why did you kiss me?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. I needed to know the reason behind her impulsive action.

A mischievous smirk spread across Jill's face as she replied, "Well, you did tell me to thank you later." Jill was fully aware of the effect she was having on me.

As I stood next to her, her hand moved to mine before going further and gently touched my arm. I winced slightly as her fingers grazed over the bandage that was wrapped around it. Her concerned gaze shifted from me to my injured arm. "Your arm? What happened?" she asked, worry evident in her voice. Before I could answer, the TV behind me blared an urgent warning, urging all civilians in Raccoon City to evacuate immediately due to an impending missile strike.

As we both stared at the TV screen, I couldn't help but think to myself, "That must be what Carlos was talking about."

Jill turned to me, her eyes filled with worry. "Where are Carlos and Tyrell?" she asked, her grip on my wrist tight. Without any words, I guided her out of the room and towards Tyrell, who was busy typing away on his computer.

"Morning, sunshine," Tyrell greeted Jill with a warm smile as she entered the room, still feeling groggy from a long night of sleep. But as she brushed off his comment and looked around for Carlos, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of worry.

"Where's Carlos?" she asked, her concern evident in her voice. She knew that Carlos had to of played a part in helping her, especially when it came to getting her to the hospital and getting her the treatment she needed.

As Tyrell spoke, I could see the worry in Jill's eyes. "He went underground," Tyrell explained, "but he had a plan. Bard stockpiled the vaccine, enough to give the city some hope." Jill gave me a disapproving look at the mention of this plan, clearly not liking the idea of Carlos being alone down there.

Jill's determined voice echoed through the room as she declared, "He thinks he can do this by himself. I'm going after him." Without hesitation, she headed towards the doors, leaving me and Tyrell behind. Before disappearing, she turned back and reassured us, "Don't worry, I'll be back with Carlos before this missile hits." With a sense of urgency, she left me and Tyrell alone together.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I glanced over at Tyrell, my jaw dropping in shock. Jill, who had just woken up from her deep slumber, had unexpectedly left to go after Carlos. "Ballsy motherfuckers," Tyrell muttered, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and admiration. We both just stood there, staring at the door that Jill had walked out of.

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