4| Don't Worry I Got You

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I turned the rusty wheel on the metal door, it let out a loud squeak. Finally, the door unlocked and I let out a sigh of relief. I carefully carried Jill into the room, trying not to make to much noise. As I looked around, I noticed a bunch of old metal shelves against the walls and an abandoned typewriter on a table. "What's with the typewriters?" I murmured to myself, feeling a chill run down my spine in this empty and eerie room.

With Jill still in my arms, I gently laid her down on the table and examined her injuries. She had taken quite a beating from the crash and the encounter with that creature. I was grateful that nothing seemed to be broken, although she had several scrapes and bruises. Suddenly, a low growl caught my attention and I turned to look around the room, my heart racing. My eyes followed the sound and I looked up at the ceiling, trying to locate the source. As I turned back to Jill, I gently took her hand in mine. "Hey... I'll be right back," I whispered, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze through her fingerless gloves. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but it was either this table or the cold, hard ground. I think you'd prefer the table." With a reassuring smile, I let go of her hand and made my way to the other metal door.

I pushed open the metal door with a loud creak, bracing myself for the cold blast of air that greeted me. My heart raced as I cautiously glanced around the dimly lit maintenance halls of the subway. Satisfied that there was no immediate danger, I stepped out into the frigid air and took a deep breath. The sound of my own heartbeat was loud as I scanned the area, on high alert for any potential threats. Thankfully, it seemed that I was alone and safe for the moment.

Taking a deep breath, I cautiously made my way down the dark corridor, my eyes scanning for anything useful. The sound of my shoes echoed through the deserted halls, the squeaking reminding me of the oil I had stepped in earlier. As I approached a flickering light in the distance, my heart raced as I heard the unmistakable sound of low groaning.

Suddenly, my heart dropped as I watched three zombies emerge from a nearby room, their lifeless eyes locking onto me. They must have heard my squeaky shoes and now I was trapped with no weapons to defend myself.

Frantically, I searched for anything that could protect me. My eyes fell upon a broken pipe on the wall. Without hesitation, I rushed over to it and gave it a hard tug. It didn't budge. With the zombies getting closer, I pulled again and again, finally managing to break it off with a loud pop. I could hear the zombies growling as they made their way towards me. Gripping the broken pipe tightly, I took a deep breath and prepared to defend myself against the undead creatures.

I knew I had to make my move now, before the zombies could fully surround me. With all my strength, I swung the broken pipe at the nearest zombie, hitting it square in the head. It stumbled back, but more were already closing in. I swung the pipe again and again, striking the zombies with all my might.

The loud pops of the pipe hitting their decaying bodies echoed through the hall, attracting the zombies back to me. But I didn't care, I had to keep fighting. I couldn't let them get me or Jill. With each hit, I felt a surge of adrenaline, pushing me to keep going.

As the last zombie fell to the ground, I stood there painted and splattered in blood. The loud pops had definitely caught the attention of more zombies, and I needed to keep moving if I wanted to get Jill out of here.

As I made my way through the carnage, stepping over the lifeless bodies of the undead, I couldn't help but wonder how they had ended up underground. But there was no time to dwell on that now. I had to keep going.

Turning the corner, I climbed a small set of stairs and was immediately met by two more zombies. Without hesitation, I swung my trusty metal pipe, taking them down with ease.

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