2| Supercop & Techie

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As we walk down the subway station stairs, Carlos finally spoke up, breaking the silence that had enveloped us since we left the street above. "Are you bit?" he asked me, his voice filled with concern as he noticed the blood on my hands.

I shook my head no, not wanting to reveal what happen sense I was still a little shooken up. "It's not my blood," I replied, hoping that he would take the hint and drop the subject. It was a half-truth; the blood that stained my hands was not from me.

"How about you, hotshot? Are you hurt or bit?" Carlos turn to asked the brunette woman, in a flirtatious and confident attitude seemed to irritate her, her eyebrow raising and giving him an annoyed scoff.

"Don't call me that," she said in a sharp tone, her voice laced with irritation. She was strong and had a no-bullshit attitude towards everything. She had a fiery temper and was not afraid to speak out her mind, even if it meant getting into conflicts.

I could see that Carlos was taken aback by her response, but he quickly regained his composure and changed the subject. "Doesn't matter. We're here," he said as we walked towards the subway train.

The train station was deserted and empty. The place was a ghost town, with the only sounds being our footsteps. You could smell the blood and rotten flesh coming from the nearby bodies as it seeped into your nostrils. "Glad to see that this old metro is still operating," Carlos muttered as he guided us both to the train.

Inside the train, our first instinct was to sit down and catch our breath. But as our eyes adjusted to the bright lighting, we realized that we were not alone. Across from us, a man sat hunched over, holding his side, which was bleeding. Carlos walked over to the man. "Hey Captain. These fine young ladies could use our help," he said, gesturing towards us.

As we approached, the man's eyes locked with the brunette woman in our group. For a moment, it seemed like recognition flickered in his eyes.

The brunette woman, who was standing right next to Carlos, couldn't take her eyes off the other cart of the subway. It seemed like she was searching for something or someone. Carlos, on the other hand, seemed to be more interested in helping the man as he kneels down and opens a med-kit.

"Carlos, you didn't even think to ask this fine young lady her name?" The man said in a thick Russian accent, breaking the silence. The woman turned to face him. "She is an elite operative of R.P.D. Special Tactics and Rescue Service. Her name is...something...Valentine," the man said without once looking away from the woman.

I was completely taken aback. An elite operative? I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for this woman. She must have been a part of some intense and dangerous missions.

"It's Jill," the woman finally said as she sat down across from Carlos and the man. My mind was racing with questions. What was her story?

Jill remained reserved, her eyes darting around the train, taking in everything that was happening around her, her eyes set straight on Carlos, she said nothing as he attended the man. Her expression was one of stoicism and confidence, clearly a woman that won't be easily fooled or distracted.

The man goes on and introduces himself, "Nice to meet you, Jill.
I am U.B.C.S. Platoon Leader Mikhail Victor." I couldn't help but notice the curious look on his face. "And who must you be?" he asked, clearly wondering who I was as he had never seen me before.

Jill had a curious look in her eyes, her gaze shifting from Mikhail to me. I could sense her guard going up when she heard his question. I could tell that she was trying to figure me out, trying to understand who I was and what my intentions were. I could also sense that she was a bit skeptical and hesitant towards me. However, I remained calm and tried my best to maintain eye contact with Mikhail.

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