5| Don't Get To Used To Things

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As we climbed the stairs of the bridge, I stole a glance at Jill and asked, "Do you think we're close enough to contact Carlos?" Her radio was strapped to her hip, our only lifeline in this situation. But before she could answer, another growl sounded, closer this time.

"Wouldn't hurt to try," Jill replied, as she grabbed her radio and clicked the button to contact Carlos.

Just as she was about to speak, a loud explosion caught our attention. We both turned to see the monster burning and falling into the river. "Bitch can't even swim," Jill quipped, causing me to let out a small chuckle.

As we continued to walk along the bridge, I couldn't help but notice the way Jill's hips swayed with each step. She effortlessly brought the radio back to her lips and spoke into it with a sense of urgency, calling out for Carlos to respond. After a brief pause, his voice crackled through the speaker and Jill turned to me, a look of relief on her face. She quickly filled Carlos in on the events that had transpired, and I couldn't help but admire her quick thinking and composed demeanor.

"Nikolai left us to die," Jill explained to Carlos, her voice trembling with anger. I wandered off to the bridge railing, my mind in its own universe. As I gazed at the bubbling water below, a strange feeling washed over me. I turned back to Jill, hoping for some reassurance, but she was lost in her own thoughts, while talking to Carlos.

I turn back over and look back at the water, my head spun with confusion. This wasn't something normal and I knew I needed to tell it to Jill. "Uh... Jill," I called her over urgently, my eyes fixed on the strange bubbles in the water. As she walked over to me, her curiosity piqued, I knew she would be just as shocked as I was.

"What the fuck?" she exclaimed, slowly lowering her radio. We watched in curiosity as the bubbles grew more aggressive, like something was about to burst out of the water.

We watched in anticipation as the bubbles grew larger and larger. Curiosity getting the best of me, I leaned over the railing, trying to decipher what could be causing this mesmerizing display. Suddenly, a massive splash erupted from the water, accompanied by a thunderous crash as that creature leaped onto the bridge. In a split second, Jill's quick reflexes saved me from being crushed, and I landed on my butt with a thud.

"It's back," Jill yelled to Carlos through her radio before the monster started chasing her. I quickly got up, trying to help her by yelling at the now mutated monster that had just come out of the water. But my attempts were futile, the creature only had eyes for Jill and not for me. I realized then, in that moment of chaos and danger, that all I cared about was her safety.

Jill leapt over the bridge railing, her adrenaline must of fueling her escape from the monster that was hot on her heels. But to her horror, the creature followed and landed on the pavement just a few feet away from her. Its sinister gaze locked onto Jill, its eyes looked clawed out. The monster seemed to have a personal vendetta against her, completely ignoring my presence as if I was invisible. I could only stand by and watch helplessly as the monster closed in on Jill, its ferocious jaws ready to devour her.

But to no one surprise, Jill wasn't afraid. Instead, she positioned herself to fight back against the monster. She was a force to be reckoned with, her determination and strength shining through her fear.

As I watched in awe, an idea struck me. "Jill! Throw me your pistol!" I yelled, hoping she would hear me. She looked back at me with a mixture of confusion and disbelief, but there was no time to explain. She had to trust me and put her faith in my plan. With a deep breath, she tossed me her weapon and I immediately aimed it at the creature, ready to protect my friend at all costs.

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