1| Just The Beginning 

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September 28, 1998. A date that will forever be remembered as the night the outbreak happened. It was a night that turned into a nightmare for the city and its inhabitants. A night that brought chaos, destruction, and terror.

At first, it seemed like a simple case of a cold or flu. A couple of people fell sick, and it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. But as the night went on, these sick individuals turned into something out of a horror movie. They became savage, mindless creatures with an insatiable hunger for human flesh. The city was thrown into chaos as these monsters started attacking and devouring anyone in their path.

Panic spread like wildfire as news of the strange illness started circulating. People were running for their lives, trying to find a safe haven from the terror that was engulfing the city. But there was nowhere to hide. No one knew what was causing this sudden outbreak, and it seemed like the perfect storm was brewing.

Emergency services were overwhelmed and struggled to contain the situation. The city was in lockdown, and a state of emergency was declared. Citizens were advised to stay indoors and avoid any contact with the infected. But for many, it was already too late. The number of victims continued to rise, and the city was in a state of utter devastation.

The streets that were once filled with life were now barren and eerily quiet. The sound of sirens and screams filled the air, and the stench of death lingered. It was a night that no one would ever forget.

I had my struggles, my worries, and my dreams. But this...this is something I never could have imagined.

The city is in chaos, and I am just an ordinary woman caught in the middle of it all. As I stand here on the road, watching buildings crumble, fires rage, and people running for their lives, I can't help but feel completely helpless. I am reminded of how fragile our comfortable, modern lives truly are. In a matter of hours, everything I had ever known and relied on has been torn apart.

At 23 years old, I had a normal life – a stable job, a small but comfortable apartment. Now I am standing here watching as people tear each other's skin off and eating it.

As I tried to make sense of the situation and figure out what was happening, I heard a man in a yellow S.T.A.R.S jacket yell to someone. That's when I saw her – a woman stumbling out of an alley, holding her ribs, clearly in pain. The man in the S.T.A.R.S jacket called out to her, "Jill! Over here!"

As I stood at a distance, my eyes were fixated on the two people having a conversation amidst the chaos and commotion around them. I couldn't help but watch in awe and confusion as people were running in every direction, screams and sirens filling the city.

My gaze pulled away from the two people as I saw a bright light getting brighter. I quickly turn my attention towards it, realizing that it was a speeding car coming straight towards me. It was a split-second decision, but I managed to move out of the way just in time as the car slammed into a truck, causing a deafening crash.

I took a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart, I couldn't help but feel grateful that I had managed to avoid the accident. But as I tried to put some distance between myself and the chaotic scene, another unexpected twist came my way. As I jogged around the truck, I saw a group of zombies trying to break down a gate.

Without thinking, I ran towards the nearest building, which happened to be a bar located next to the gate. As I caught my breath inside, my mind raced with a million thoughts.

As I stepped into the dimly lit bar, my senses were immediately bombarded by the sight, sounds, and smells of the place. My eyes darted around, taking in the atmosphere and trying to make sense of the layout. The long counter that ran throughout the length of the room caught my attention first, with its rows upon rows of bottles of alcohol glistening in the dim lighting. It seemed to be the main focal point of the bar, drawing in customers with promises of liquid courage and temporary escape from reality.

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