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This chapter contains some elements of Hurt/Comfort

This chapter contains some elements of Hurt/Comfort

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Robin opened and closed her mouth several times before finally saying what she had to say. "I... just don't think it's a good idea, Maria. And taking Jean with you at that. I-I'm just worried. You were gone for so long with the Fireflies and now you're back... I just don't want you to leave."

Maria could tell what the other woman meant. I don't want something to happen to you. But Robin had yet to be supportive of Maria and Tommy's decision to go to Texas since their initial announcement. Maria wondered what happened since then.

"This isn't... this isn't about you, Robin."

"I know this isn't about me. This isn't even about us, Maria. It's about you, and I don't want you to do something you'll regret- something that's gonna go and get you killed. If something happened to you... I wouldn't even know it."

She shrugged and held her arms out. "I don't know what to tell you, Rob. We're leaving tomorrow. I don't need your support, but damn it, it would be nice to have some." Maria could feel her ears warming at her sudden burst of emotion.


Tommy watched her from the bathroom, running the towel through his hair before throwing it in the laundry basket and entering their bedroom. He pulled his dark green t-shirt off to get into bed, where he chuckled while placing a hand in her hair. "I'm gonna ask you how you are, and I'd like for you to answer honestly, okay?" He smiled at her glare. "How are you? What's goin' through that mind of yours?"

She picked her head up before pulling herself under the covers. "Tommy, I'm fine."

The man pulled her to lay on his scarred shoulder. "You were quiet over dinner; that's not like you," she sighed at his accusation. "You havin' second thoughts?"

Robin's words ran through her head, making her heart clench. "It's not... no. I just... feel bad. Guilty?" She huffed, "I dunno. This whole thing. The dam, Jackson, the whole trip that I drug these people along for these people who trust me- is for me to get closure. So I can say I carried out my dad's dying wish. And now... I'm leaving again. I'm leaving them with my mess... so, I feel bad."

Tommy nodded, kissing her through her hair. "I get it. But, Maria, between Robin... and Tyrone, Luther, Houser, Eugene, Sadie, need I go on, they've got this place under control. They know how to hunt, they know where to find more gas for the generators, they can all hold their own. And the turbines are at a stand still until someone gets that part. This will give everyone a chance to make Jackson feel like home. Besides, we're talking two, three months. We'll be back."

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