4. The secret only Ruby knows, the plan only Ellen knows

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Izek thought that Ivan was the most talkative person he ever met, but this woman proved him wrong.

"I haven't seen such a pretty tree! Wow~"

Ruby glued her face on the window in her admiration of the passing scenery.

Izek couldn't help but sigh. Who thinks a rotting tree is pretty? He didn't want to make a conversation out of it, so he simply averted his gaze.

Unbeknownst to him, Ruby had been feeling anxious all the way from when they met earlier. There was something she only knows: this dashing man in front of her, was going to be the person to end her life.

She wasn't a person of this world. In fact, she was someone who had read the novel in which the main character shares the same name as her husband.

In the novel 'Solomon and the Holy Grail,' Izek was the protagonist and she was the villainess.

That said, she was bound to die in the future if she didn't get her husband on her side. To do that, she must act stupid and show that she was completely harmless.

After having thought about that, Ruby smiled at Izek who was weirded out by her sudden smiling.

I know you hate me with every fiber of your existence, but please, just don't kill me!

That was Ruby's thought as she looked away, pretending to be fascinated in the passing sceneries.

She herself knew that there was nothing amazing about dying trees. The path was too dreary and monsters seemed to be inhabiting this place.

Of course, she wouldn't comment that out loud. If ever monsters were really living around this part, there was no need to worry as she was accompanied by Izek.

The journey, although peaceful, was very uncomfortable for Ruby. Thankfully, they arrived a few moments later and Ruby immediately got off the carriage.

She instantly regretted inhaling the chilly air that felt like needles in her lungs. Her throat felt dry too because of that.

Seeing her shiver from cold, Izek started walking to the entrance of their house.

Upon entering her new home, several people lined up to greet her. A noticeable silver-haired woman was one of those. She was standing between the two lines of people and started walking towards her when she arrived.

"Hello again, Lady Rudbeckia."

"Hi, Lady Ellenia!" Ruby waved her hand casually.

"Please, you can call me Ruby. My name feels too mouthy," Ruby added.

Without much thought, Ellen agreed and turned around to lead the way to the grand staircase.

This Ruby really feels different. But taking her brother's words into consideration, she mustn't waver just because she was acting differently.

Ellen smiled at her in spite of her thoughts. "Would you like to tour the house, or would you like to rest first?"

"Are you going to give me a personal tour? Am I not interrupting your schedule?" Ruby unconsciously fiddled her fingers.

Ellen shook her head. Hesitance really looked strange on her. She was very bossy in the past.

Did Ruby go back in time too? She bit her lip when she thought of that question.

"It's alright, you shouldn't feel bad about this. It's my pleasure to give you a tour myself." Ellen relaxed her brows after she sensed that it had knitted upon thinking of that question.

At her answer, Ruby's mood immediately brightened up. Stars filled her eyes as she looked at Ellen with such amazement.

"Thank you! Ah, can I call you Ellen?"

"Yes, why not."

"Hehe, let's go then, Ellen!" Ruby gestured for her to walk ahead of her to which Ellen responded with a nod.

As they walked in the long hallway, Ellen resumed the conversation.

"By the way, now that you're going to live here, I'd leave the selection of your own guard to you. I have a list of candidates and I can vouch that they will do their job well."

Turning to Ruby, "what do you think, Ruby?"

The mentioned person was currently looking out the window when she stopped all of a sudden. She then threw a nod in her direction.

"That would be nice! Thank you for making so much effort, Ellen."

"It is just a precaution, but it doesn't mean that you're not going to be safe here. Having a company all the time will give you a sense of security especially when you've just arrived here, a foreign place." Ellen smiled like that of an older sister.

With a smile like that, Ruby felt a pang in her chest all of a sudden. She just remembered her sister, whose smile gives her an immense sense of comfort and relief.

Raising her gaze, Ruby beamed a relieved smile.

Maybe not all people here are someone she should be wary of. Maybe she should try getting to know some of them.

Sadly, it wasn't the same for Ellen. She was doing all this to make sure that Ruby was under her surveillance all the time.

Every knight in the list that she suggested was working for her family. Whoever Ruby picked was going to be her eyes and ears.

Ellen believed that she could protect her family this way. Once Ruby started to work out her plans, she would definitely contact someone for assistance.

That's when Ellen attacks. Get enough evidence of her dirty dealings then oust her in the family. That way, she and her family would never come near them.

Despite her thoughts, she continued to accompany Ruby for half a day.

Later that night, when everyone was already asleep, something happened...

For the Second Time | Ellenia van OmertaWhere stories live. Discover now