I Feel Nostalgic<3

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Chapter 13: (your pov)
Diary entry.

As I started preparing our bed, I couldn't help but notice how everything was still in its place, just like it used to be

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As I started preparing our bed, I couldn't help but notice how everything was still in its place, just like it used to be. It was as if time had stood still in this house, frozen in memories of happier times.

Jungkook came into the room with Taemin in his embrace, his little arms wrapped around his father's neck. He smiled at me as he began covering things up that he had kept in the same place for so long, never changing a thing, not even my clothes.

Jungkook: It's been a while since we've slept together like this, hasn't it?

His voice was soft, almost nostalgic, as he arranged the pillows and blankets on the bed.

Y/n: Yeah, it has been.

I couldn't deny the slight awkwardness I felt at the prospect of sharing a bed with Jungkook again after all this time. But for Taemin's sake, I was willing to set aside my feelings and try to make things work.

As he arranged the last few items on the bed, he glanced at me with a playful glint in his eyes. It made me uncomfortable, knowing what might come next. He gently set Taemin down on the floor, who toddled off to play with his toys in the corner of the room. He quickly turned me around, twisting my hand behind my back with one of his hands.

While the other touched my shoulder and it felt too familiar, too intimate, and I tensed up involuntarily. His fingers traced a path down my arm, lingering longer than necessary, sending shivers down my spine.

Jungkook: You know, Y/n, it feels like old times, doesn't it? Just the two of us, alone in this room.

His voice was laced with a teasing tone, but there was an underlying seriousness that I couldn't ignore.

Y/n: Jungkook, please...

I tried to protest weakly, but my voice faltered, unable to find the strength to push him away. His hands roamed freely, touching me in places that made me squirm uncomfortably.

Jungkook: If you're willing to come back to me, then surely this should feel normal, right? Like it used to be.

His words were like a dagger to my heart, twisting with guilt and regret. I knew I couldn't continue like this, allowing him to toy with my emotions and manipulate me into submission.

But in that moment, with his hands on me i couldn't help it, it's not like we have not done it before, we have done it like multiple times. So I decided to let him do whatever he wants to do to me.

He quickly let go of my hand as I quit protesting, instead he held taemin in his embrace and walked out of the room with him. I kept blinking, in the matter of the minute I decided to follow where he was going to take him but what I saw left me numb at my place.

He has put him on his crib while he sits beside him singing a good night song, and taemin seems to enjoy it so much, jungkook seems to smile so big, it wasn't for the first time he smiled like that, every time he looked at taemin and smiled, he had that big pure smile.

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