Chapter 10

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I sighed, shifting my feet underneath the desk.

"Hyung, let me off for once,"

"No," Yoongi growled. "I sent you to trail them, and you ended up losing them? What do I pay you for?"

"I said sorry," I whined. "I took my eyes off of her for one second, and they'd disappeared,"

He sighed, rubbing his temples. "Fine. But if you ever repeat this mistake, Jimin, you won't be the guy I go to for stalking anymore,"

"Thanks, Hyung," I jumped to my feet. "But who's the guy Li was with? He seems like a college student-"

"A weirdo who believes in foreign studies," he grumbled. "A dangerous weirdo,"

"Oh," I let that sink in for a while, before saying: "He schools with Li-na?"

"Yeah. And she's got a crush on him,"

"Oh, no," my face twisted in horror. "That's one of the worst things that can ever happen, and I'm not being sarcastic,"

"I know that," he said gruffly. "And I haven't spoken to her for about a week now, yet she still goes out with him again? And where'd the bodyguards I hired go? Seriously, are all my staff so incompetent?"

"Chill out," I said, patting his shoulder. "I don't know the deal about this guy and I can tell it's serious, but nothing good's gonna come out of it by stressing,"

"Thanks, Jimin," he muttered. "But what I need right now is relaxing time, a drink, a younger sister to pester me, and a Taehyung to send glares at every time he looks at Li-na,"

"Well... We can do about half of that," I said. "Let's go to a club. You can relax and drink there,"

He hesitate, before nodding. "Sure. Why not, at this point?"


We walked into the club, sitting down at the bar.

"Whiskey on the rocks," Yoongi grumbled.

"I'll have a vodka and soda," I said, winking to the woman behind the counter.

She winked back as I grinned a little, before turning to Yoongi.

"Hey! Loosen up, bro," I shook my head at his grumpy demeanor.

"You sound drunk already and you haven't even touched the alcohol yet,"

"Why did I even suggest drinking with you?" I sighed. "Anyway, the barista is hot,"

"Fuck off, Jimin," he rolled his eyes, but there was amusement in them. "No one cares,"

"You look like you do," I bumped my shoulder with his playfully. "Should we find you a fling for the night?"

"I'm off one night stands," he said, taking a long pause to down the entire glass of whiskey put in front of him.

He set the glass down again with a small rumble of pleasure, before finishing off his sentence. "The thought makes me feel sick,"

"You're no fun," I pursued my lips. "So, have you met anyone interesting? I'd like to see my Hyung married, you know,"

"There's no one in my life," he sighed. "I can't seem to find a girl who's my type,"

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