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"It all happened because of me. Your parents' death and everything else bad that has ever happened to you. It was because of me. My existence is the cause of your misfortune." Chan says, avoiding eye contact with you.

"Because you're winter, darkness, and the end? Guess what? I like winter. I like the night. I like the end too. In other words, spring, morning, and the beginning happen because of you too. It means you're both my misfortune and my happiness. Go and tell Hana that's what you are. It's not your fault. Go tell her that's what I said."

Chan chuckles at you. He smiles as he reaches his hand over your head. You grab his hand, stopping him.

"Don't do that. If you do, I might actually fall for you."

As you are about to place your hand, you grip your hand on his wrist. He goes to hold your hand but suddenly you vanish. His eyes widened as he started to worry. He stands up and sighs, knowing who was behind this. Hana. Because of course that's who it was.

He runs to your house to see if you're there but you're not. He was starting to get mad. He leaves your house and starts roaming around the streets. Hs sees Jisung and walks up to him standing in front of him. It startled Jisung.

"Where's your sister?" Chan asks.

"Gosh, you scared me. Who are you?"

"I said, where's Y/n."

"What? Who's Y/n?"

"Han Y/n. Your younger sister."

"Younger sister? I don't have a sister. I'm an only child."

Chan stares at him even more worried. Jisung then walks away from him being confused. Chan went over to your job and asked your coworkers. They also didn't know who you were. Chan spent the whole night looking for you but he still couldn't find you. He had no idea where you could've gone and how no one knew who you were. No one knew you but him.


You find yourself in a field of flowers. It was really funny. The flowers were pretty but you wanted to know how you ended up here and where Chan went. You look down to see Hana who was bent down, looking at flowers.

"I stole you from him." Hana says. She was holding her flowerpot from before. "You were curious about what I planted here."

"What is it?" You ask. Then she stands up, facing you.

"Possibility. It grew as it fed on your misfortune. I wanted to show it to you because it was all thanks to you. It's the first time he's pitied someone more than himself."

"Why did you make him disappear?"

"I did it for you. You'll suffer no matter what you choose. Whether you bring doom to this world or survive by killing someone you love. But I also love that child very much. So I took action."

"What are you?"

"I'm a very old order. A very old loner. And an old friend of you people. I've been watching the world longer than he has, and I've always wanted you to be happy in that world."

"Take me back! I want to go back. I don't want to be here any longer with you."

All of a sudden you're in front of Chan house. You immediately knock on the door. Chan was confused when he heard a knock on his door. He went over to his door and opened it to see you standing there. His eyes widened and he felt relieved. He walks out making you walk backwards. He then wraps his arms around you, tightly.

"What happened?" He asks, worriedly.

"It was Hana. She took me away from you. I asked to be brought back and then suddenly I was here." You respond.

"You were at the god's garden. I was scared because no one remembered you."

"I'm back. I'll try not to leave like that again even though that wasn't my doing."


You were back in the hospital. You were in your room folding your hospital clothes. You were free to leave. You were changed back into your normal clothes. You placed the hospital clothes on the bed and as you do so Jisung comes running into the room.

"Sis!" He shouts and hugs you. "Are you okay? When I showed up at your house, I was so scared and I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again..."

Jisung then starts crying. You sigh at him as you turn to look over at Chan.

"Why did you worry him?" Chan asks. Jisung turns around to look at him.

"Were you here? Brother-in-law!" Jisung says as he then runs over to Chan and hugs him.

"You must really like me, brother-in-law." Chan says.

"Yes, I do."

"If you're finished with your confession, let's go." You sigh.

"Wait what? Why are you going home? Speaking of which, why did you change?" Jisung asks.

"I'm okay now." You say, hoping to reassure him.

"No, you're not okay. The doctor said you should get check-ups, too. Brother-in-law stop her!"

"Jisung, stop it. Let's go now! You still have to go to work!"

"Don't worry brother-in-law, I'll take good care of her."


"Why did you cause such a commotion?" Chan asks.

"Are you blaming me? It was your fault! You disappeared."

"I didn't know you'd be so reckless. I didn't know you'd hold yourself hostage. And I didn't know it'd work for me."

"Why are there so many things you don't know? I have so much to teach you."


Chan holds his hand out towards you. You then walk over to him. You're about to hold his hand when he places his hand over your wrist. When he lets go there's a new bracelet on your wrist. The same one as before. He smiles looking at you as he holds your hand.

"Let's live together. Let's live together like before." You smile. "And let's sleep together like before."

"Sleep together?" He asks as he raises an eyebrow.

You go to speak but then gasp at him. You let go of his hand and hit him on the shoulder. He laughs as he stands up from sitting on your couch and picks you up and carries you over to his house, which is now connected to yours again. He puts you down on his bed and covers you with the blanket. You smile at him before closing your eyes and falling asleep.


You were walking home after spending the day with Jisung. You were at the cross walking waiting for your turn to walk. All of a sudden you feel a hand grab onto yours. You jump and see it's Chan. You sigh as you stare at him.

"One day I'm going to end up hitting you in the face. A warning would be nice." You say.

"What? I can't hold your hand?" He smiles.

The crosswalk turns green and you both start walking. As you take one step you now find yourself in an amusement park. Your eyes widened. You smile as you look at Chan. He drags you along as you make your way to the Ferris Wheel. You get on and you both sit on opposite sides. You were up high and you were enjoying the view.

"You really are useful in many ways." You smile.

He stares at you, smiling. You turn back to look at him. He then slightly stands up and he leans over towards you and smashes his lips against yours. You are startled but immediately kiss him back. He cups your face, deepening the kiss.

When you got off the Ferris Wheel you were both now outside your house. As you're about to head inside Chan stops you.

"Y/n. Love me. You can love me now. Because I don't care about anything but you now."

"You don't have to ask me. I already do love you."

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