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"How about a kiss then?" He asks, grinning.

You scoff before removing his hands away from you and walking down from the rooftop and to your front door. He follows you.

"What happened to the girl willing to risk her life?"

"I will not forget it. I will not forget what happened today. I swear I will pay you back."

"For what? Trying to kill you or save you?"


You pull your key out of your bag and use it to unlock your door. You head inside and slip off your shoes. He walks in after you, shutting the door behind him. You go into your bedroom and get changed. You walk out to see him sitting on his couch. He wasn't reading. He was watching you. You ignore him as you lay down on your couch and put your blanket over yourself.

"How can you just sleep after what just happened?" He asks, scoffing.

"I'm not afraid of you." You respond.

"I hope you realize you can't love me. No human has ever been able to do that."

"I can. And I will try. Because I have to."

He gets up from the couch and walks over to you. He suddenly picks you up which makes you yelp. He carries you over to his house and brings you into one of the many rooms in his house. It was a bedroom. He did have a bedroom after all. He closes the door behind him and places you gently down on the bed.

"So you do have a bedroom. You liar." You say as you lay down, putting your head on a pillow.

He climbs into bed as you turn away, not facing him. He does the same thing. Your backs were now facing each other. You close your eyes and try to fall asleep.


When you woke up the next morning Chan was no longer beside you. You rolled out of bed and got ready for work and headed straight there.

As you had been at work for a long time now and it was starting to get dark. As you were sitting at your desk you couldn't help but feel like someone was watching you. It was only you and Ha-joon. Everyone else had gone home already. You turned your body to face Ha-joon but he was focused on his work. You shook your head and then continued with your work. A moment later you looked at him again to see that he was staring at you. You froze as he got up from his chair and walked over to you.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asks, getting close to you.

"Me? I'm staring at you? You were the one staring at me first."

"I wasn't. Seriously I wasn't. You obviously have something you want to say. Say it."

"Have you ever fallen in love with someone whom you've hated once?"

"No. Why do you ask? Have you fallen in love with someone?"

"Huh? What? No. I was just asking."

He walks away and goes back to his desk. You stare at him again but then quickly look away and whisper under your breath, "Is he in love with someone?"

"I can hear you. Lower your voice. And go home. It's late."

You turn off your computer and then gather up your things and put them into your bag. You stand up and put your bag over yourself and say goodbye to Ha-joon. He watches as you leave. You knew he was watching you too. You couldn't help but wonder what was going on with him. He's acting strange.

As you exited the building you bumped into Chan. He smiles as he grabs your hand, holding it. You both then start walking together.

"Do you ever wonder what I do all day? Especially when I just disappear suddenly?" He asks, swinging your hands.

Hold My Hand | Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now