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The whole year was difficult for you. Jisung was there for you every single day. You lied to him telling him that Chan had gone off to America and that he wasn't coming back. Jisung tried his best to comfort you in the best way he could. He would show up at your house everyday with your favorite food. You would watch your favorite tv shows and movies.

He would try his best to make you laugh. He would hug you when you cried. Seeing his little sister like this made him feel sad. But you eventually got better with his help.

Now you are doing better than before. Obviously you survived your illness. Apparently Ji-a and Ha-joon also quit working at the company. Ha-joon started his own business which you started working at. You would hang out with him everyday along with Jisung. You still never forgot about Chan. You didn't cry as much. Everywhere you went  you saw him. But he wasn't actually there.

After work Jisung always walked you home. He would even eat dinner with you everyday. The one thing you hated was that you would dream about Chan coming back but then your alarm would go off. It drove you insane. There would be times where you would go to Chan's house and sleep there instead of your house.

You were sitting at the bus stop. You had just gotten off work but Jisung wasn't able to walk you home. You reassured him you were fine and that you would text him as soon as you got home. He got stuck at work. You got up and were ready to head home when it started to rain. You smiled remembering what Chan had told you.

You suddenly tripped over something. You lost your balance and were about to fall when a hand grabs your wrist, and pulls you towards them. You looked and you became so shocked that your jaw dropped open. You were sure you were seeing things. Because what you saw in front of you was Chan. You didn't know if this was real not. You both stared at each other, not looking away. Chan still held onto your wrist not planning on letting go. He smiles at you and holds up an umbrella he was holding.

"Did you bring an umbrella?" He asks.

"Chan..." You tear up. "What's going on?"

He holds your hand as he opens up his umbrella, putting it over both of you. This was real. He was somehow back. You didn't care how it happened. All you cared about was him being with you again. You both started walking and he wraps his arm around you. You couldn't keep his eyes off you.

"I can't stop the rain anymore. I have to use umbrellas when it rains, like you humans. Because... I'm one of you now. I can't get sick. If I get sick, you'll be sad."

You stop walking as you wrap your arms around him, hugging him. He drops the umbrella as he then wraps his arms around you, smiling.


You walk out the bathroom, holding a towel. Chan was sitting on your couch looking at you. You still couldn't believe this was real. You walk over to him, not taking your eyes off him. You were afraid if you did then he would disappear. You sit down next to him. He chuckles.

"Stop staring at me. I might get a hole in my face." He jokes.

"What happened?" You ask. "Where have you been all this time?"

"I experienced hell."

"Be serious!"

"I was in that garden. She allowed me to be born. Thanks to you, I grew well enough to please her, so I came back."

"What does that mean?"

"You saw all the flowers there, right? They are all you humans. And she and I were the ones who maintained the garden. To be precise, I was just a butterfly in that garden. And I bloomed because I died for you. I'm not Doom anymore. I'm a human, just like you."

You climb onto his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. His arms wrap around your waist. You lean in and kiss him. He kisses you back, pulling you closer to him.

"Don't disappear. Ever." You pull away.


Waking up the next morning you looked on Chan's side of the bed to see he wasn't there. You panicked thinking that was all a dream. You ran out of bed and ended up falling in the process. You ran outside your room and found him in the kitchen making breakfast. You back hugged him, startling him. He turns around and hugs you properly.

"Did you have a bad dream?" He asks.

"I thought you left me." You admit.

You both ate breakfast and you got ready for work. Chan ended up going with you to Ha-joon's company since he didn't want to stay at home by himself. Ha-joon was quite surprised to see Chan walk in with you. You told Ha-joon that Chan, sadly, had no friends and that you didn't want to leave him alone at home. You were the only one he had at the moment.

"If you don't like him, I can kill him for you." Chan says as you walk over to him.

"You can't kill anyone now."

"Oh, right. I can still try though."



You got off work earlier so you and Chan went to go see Jisung. When Chan pulled up to Jisung house you both saw Jisung standing outside the front door jumping up and down. He was like a little kid. You both laughed and got out of the car. You immediately went over to Jisung and tried to explain why Chan was back.

"Brother-in-law!" Jisung yells and hugs Chan. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too." Chan says.

Unfortunately Jisung couldn't hang out with the both of you. You were planning on going to dinner. So you decided to call Ha-joon to see if he wanted to join you and Chan for dinner. Chan didn't like the idea but you still did it anyway. Ha-joon agreed to it and met you at the restaurant. The three of you sat down together and ordered food.

"So you two still really are dating, huh?" Ha-joon says. Chan glares at him.

"We'll never break up until we die." Chan says.

"I wasn't asking you." Ha-joon says and looks at you. "I was asking her."

Chan chuckles and leans forward wanting to hit him. He then turns to you and asks, "Can I hit him?"

"No." You shake your head.

The rest of the dinner was a bit awkward since you knew Chan kept glaring at Ha-joon. After dinner Ha-joon called a taxi for him to get home. He definitely didn't want a ride from Chan. Chan wasn't going to give him one anyway.

From this moment forward you helped Chan as much as you could for him to get used to his human life. He got a job as a doctor at the hospital which you were very happy about. You still worked at Ha-joon's company and he even made you the team leader.

On the weekends you and Chan would go visit Jisung at his house and spend the whole weekend with him. Chan always slept at your house. There would be times where you would go to his house too but it was mainly your house. You were hoping when you two do actually get married you'll eventually move into Chan's house. It was bigger after all.

You and Chan were walking hand in hand back to his house after work. You started talking about Hana and how she kept only the memories of everyone about Chan that were necessary. The other memories she erased from them. Hana was no longer here. She passed away not that long ago. Chan or you didn't cry but it still felt just a bit sad knowing she was gone.

"She was quite meticulous. Look how she made me. She had to make me look like this and made you fall in love with me." Chan smiles.

"What? That's ridiculous." You roll your eyes.

"You thought I was handsome when you first saw me."

"I didn't."

"Let's get married soon."

"What? Why are you bringing up marriage again?"

"Because I want to marry you. That's the one wish I have."

You stop walking once you get to his front door. He stands in front of you smiling as he wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close. Your arms find their way behind his neck and you laugh.

"Okay, fine. I'll marry you. Let's get married."

Hold My Hand | Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now