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As I stood beside my mom, trying to hide my nervousness, someone commented on how gorgeous she looked, and of course, she was all flustered by the attention. I tried to play it cool, but inside, I was a mess, especially with Joseph around.

I scanned the room, searching for him, but he seemed to have disappeared into thin air. Just when I thought I spotted him, I shifted slightly to the left, only to stumble. Before I could fall, someone caught me by the waist and pulled me closer. I couldn't see his face in the sea of flashing lights, but he hugged me tightly, and for a moment, I felt uncomfortable.

Was he trying to be a gentleman or just preventing me from stumbling into their staff? I wasn't sure, but I wanted to get away from whoever he was.

How worse can a day be.

Suddenly, everyone stood up, and my mom rushed over to rescue me. Finally, I felt relieved to have her by my side. It was a rare moment when I actually felt grateful for her presence, unlike most of the time when I questioned why she was even my mother.

But amidst the chaos, my mind kept drifting back to Joseph. Where had he gone? Why wasn't he in the same spot as before? It felt like every moment without him was a moment wasted, and I couldn't shake the feeling of longing to be near him again.

My mom rushed over to me and enveloped me in a tight embrace, her voice booming as she asked if I was okay. Typical mom, always loud and dramatic.

I managed to nod in response, still a bit dazed from the whole ordeal.
" Uh oh I'm all okay thank you, I-I'm okay" my voice demanded for her hands to let go of me , and I know she was annoyed by my words.

She turned her attention to the guy who had been holding me for what felt like an eternity.

"Excuse me, ma'am? Is everything alright?" he asked, looking genuinely concerned.

" Why tf would you say that " I mumbled softly.
Totally annoyed.

I finally got a good look at him, and wow, who was this guy? He was definitely a gentleman, apologizing to my mom for something that wasn't even his fault. I felt a pang of guilt for assuming the worst about him.

Meanwhile, my mom was busy chatting him up, mistaking him for someone else's brother. Classic mom move. She even went on to compliment both of us on our looks. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her antics.

So, Joseph actually does have a brother. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, considering we're practically strangers. Guys will be guys, right? But I can't imagine Joseph being the type to just use people for his own satisfaction. Maybe I misjudged him. I'm still holding onto that trust, though.

When the guy who claims to be Joseph's brother said, "Not more than your daughter, Mrs. Rose," I was caught off guard. Smart move, dude. I need to wipe this smile off my face before he thinks I'm all in for whatever he's selling.

My mom, being her usual self, jumps right into introductions, leaving me to size up this mysterious brother of Joseph's. And let me tell you, he's not what I expected.
Tanned complexion, those deep blue eyes that remind me of the ocean on a stormy day, and hair that's just the right amount of tousled. I can't help but admire how effortlessly put together he looks, even in the midst of all this chaos.

As my mom wraps up the introductions, I rack my brain for something to say that'll break the ice. "So, uh, you're Joseph's brother, huh? Nice to meet you," I manage to blurt out, trying to sound casual. Inside, though, my mind's racing a mile a minute, wondering what other surprises this night has in store.

"So, as I've introduced you guys, why don't you both just go and talk... I won't mind, sweety. I love you both... goodness," my mom chimed in with her sickly sweet tone before fluttering off to mingle with other guests.

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