The Phone Call

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The whole night. I have been awake for the whole damn night.

The sheer disbelief and horror that I'm feeling right now is indescribable. It's as if every move I make, every breath I take, is being monitored and followed. I'm not just being followed, I'm being stalked and watched by someone who seems to know my every move. They have access to my home security system and can come and go as they please without leaving any trace of their presence behind. I thought I had taken every possible measure to secure my home, but clearly, I was wrong. Despite having the latest sensors and technological approaches for security, this person is managing to evade them all. It is scaring me and is sending a thrill at the same time. The thought that someone is watching me without my knowledge, unlocking my room, and invading my privacy. How is he doing it? And how is he able to watch me in my most vulnerable state without me even realizing it?

I don't even have the energy to go to the office today. The sky is cloudy and the weather seems to be in a bad mood. I get up from the bed and walk over to the window.

Even though the surrounding environment is calm and quiet, I feel something to be different. I don't know what it is. But if my 6th sense is heightened to the point that I am getting a guy feeling of something that is not usual, then it's either the best or the worst thing that I am about to face.
I shake my head at the thoughts that are jamming into my hypothalamus right now. I am taking the day off, hence I need to relax. I take my phone from above the shelf and open it to see notifications flooding in. I quickly turn the internet off and open the contact list to dial up Aiden.

"Take the car out for a wash and take it to the centre for the servicing. I won't be going out today" I say to him and disconnect before any kind of replies from him.

I decide to go and take the shower first. Maybe I'll cook something today. I don't know what....but something.

I smile at the indecisiveness of my mind.

I walk up to the closet and take the kaftan dress out. I walk into my washroom.

Ahh. There's no match for this heaven. Everything vanishes when the footsteps lead to this serene appearance.

I stare at the view of my washroom in front of me. It's not a normal washroom. It is my favourite place in the world. Even if someone invades my home, my room, nothing would matter. But here? Never. I can't even tolerate the idea of someone invading this place.

I walk up to the bathtub turn on the hot water switch and open the packet containing the silk sand to mix into the water. Soon the glittery lather forms on the water's surface.

I drop my shorts down leaving my bare thighs with the perfect bouncy bum exposed. I put one foot into the water slowly enough to feel the water touch each cell of my skin.

The temperature level is too perfect.

I open my t-shirt and slowly sit down stretching my legs straight and tilting my upper half towards the back.

As the sand touches my skin, I forget about everything else that is fogging my mind. As if the particles just absorbed all the ability to think straight.
close my eyes letting the warm water soothe me.

My mind slowly travels back to the dream I had. I immediately feel my lower stomach tighten at the reminisce of the dream.


I sit up straight and swim my body to the other end of the bathtub. I sit up on the slab turn the hand shower on and turn it in a way such that the water flows out in the air. I change the mode of the shower to the single force and get on my knees, positioning myself in a way so that, the water force would directly touch the inner walls of my genitalia.

Oh, my gawd. Fuck.

At times like this, I completely understand why Chelsea Handler said, "Even if times are tough and you're enduring a terrible heartache, it's important to focus your anger on a vibrator, not another person".

I slowly start moving my hips in a to-and-fro motion, allowing the sensation to dwell in my flesh. The water force hitting the g-spots makes me arch my back and pace up my motion of the hips.

Fuck. Yes. It feels so good. Yes, yes, yes...

I am at the edge of spilling my juices out with my frantic moans, when the phone rings, immediately snapping me away from the motion.

Fuck you, motherfucker. Screw you.

I switch off the shower and take the phone.

An unknown number.
It's not spam.
But a call from a private number.

I am far away from my sensual moment which I was having not two minutes ago. Chills run down my spine about the call on the phone.
Deciding not to whine further, I pick the call up.

" That was so perfect, squirrel. I finished before you. It was too hot to watch you like that. " a make husky voice speaks from the other end.

I am too stunned to say anything. My body turns numb.

Hold on.

Goosebumps form immediately over my body.

"See you soon squirrel. Watching you is my certificate. Feeling your touch will be my prize".

And the call disconnects.

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