10 - His Kind Of Woman

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"No, but you'll find out soon enough." He smiles, more like smirks, his tone sending a shiver down my spine. I stand up, ready to leave, but he blocks my path, stepping closer until he's invading my personal space. I can smell the faint scent of engine oil and sweat on him, and it only adds to my unease. "Where are you going?" He whispers, reaching out to grab my arm. I try to pull away, but his grip is strong, his fingers digging into my skin. For fuck's sake, why is this happening to me? Panic grips me as I realize I'm trapped, alone with this stranger who clearly has sinister intentions. "We can-"

The guy doesn't get to finish what he was about to say and I feel his hand let go of my arm. "You fucking have a death wish, Junseok, touching my woman like that." Heeseung's voice cuts through the air, sharp and dangerous, and I don't know if it's just my wishful thinking, but I swear I can hear the sound of concern in his voice. He looks like he's ready to tear the guy apart with his bare hands, and I've never been more grateful to see him.

"Let go of me," The guy named Junseok yanks his arm away and shoots Heeseung a glare. "Is this how you're trying to win the Grand Prix? By getting into a sponsor's daughter's pants? But then again, it's very expected of someone like you, Heeseung. You're a dirty playboy who will do anything for attention and fame."

Heeseung's jaw clenches, his fists tightening at his sides, but he doesn't make a move toward Junseok. Instead, he steps closer to me, placing himself between us as if to shield me from any further harm. "We have an interview in two days. Get out of here before I knock your teeth out and make you regret ever laying a hand on her." His voice is low, but the threat in it is unmistakable. Junseok's expression darkens, but he wisely chooses to heed Heeseung's warning, turning on his heel and storming off without another word. With the two of us left alone, Heeseung turns to me, his hand hovering over my arm as if he's unsure whether or not to touch me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I manage to say, though my voice is barely above a whisper. It's all overwhelming, thinking about what could have happened if Heeseung didn't show up at the right time, and the way he pulled me out of harm's way. I really don't know why but I find myself comparing him to Ujin that one time when I had a stalker and he forgot to check up on me. Having someone who'd knock someone's teeth out because they dared to touch me feels... strange, but also oddly comforting. "Thank you." 

"I told you to leave, why are you even still here?" The way he runs his fingers through his damp hair and presses his lips into a thin line tells me he's still irritated, but there's also a hint of concern in his eyes. It's a stranger combo, and I don't know what to think anymore. "I'm sorry, you weren't supposed to hear all of that. Did he say anything else to you?" 

"He didn't. Just grabbed my arm and started spewing nonsense," I reply, shaking my head. "But I'm fine, really. And I know you asked me to leave, but I guess you haven't checked your schedule. We have a photoshoot today." 

"Damn it, I completely forgot," He mutters under his breath, clearly annoyed with himself. "Alright, let's get this over with. Come on, I'll change and drive us there." When he holds my hand and pulls me with him, I pause. "What? Did you think I'd leave you here alone after what just happened? I might not be the nicest guy around, but I'm not going to just leave you alone when some creep is harassing you." His tone is gruff, but there's a gentleness in his touch that surprises me, and I just allow him to lead me away from the racetrack and toward the garage where I have to look away while he changes.

I might have stolen some glances at him but we're not going to talk about that. We're not going talk about how his muscles are so perfectly defined or how the way his shirt clings to his body makes my heart race a little faster. No, we're definitely not going to talk about any of that. I'm not here to ogle Heeseung like a schoolgirl with a crush, but damn, he does look good.

When he's done changing, the two of us walk to his car before he opens the door for me and I get inside, frowning slightly in confusion. It's strange, seeing this side of him, and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I've already labeled him as arrogant and rude in my mind, but now there's this new layer to him that I can't quite ignore. "Thank you." 

We drive in silence, in awkward silence, and all I do is scroll through my phone, pretending to be engrossed in something important. I steal glances at him from the corner of my eye, noticing the way his hands grip the steering wheel, the way his jaw clenches slightly as he concentrates on the road ahead. So this is what he looks like when he's behind the wheel. "You're awfully quiet. Something on your mind?" 

I avert my gaze and put down my phone, acting as if I wasn't just gazing at him like a creep. The road in front of us is empty and it's only Heeseung's car and the sound of the engine humming along, but he's not speeding, which surprises me given his reputation on the racetrack. "Oh, um, no, nothing in particular. Why did I think you're only good at driving fast?" Such a dumb question slips out of my mouth before I can stop it, and I mentally curse myself for the awkwardness.

"Well, I do have a few other skills up my sleeve," Heeseung chuckles softly, the sound surprising me with its warmth. "There's this rule that says the accelerator shall not touch the floor when she's in the car. I'm not planning on breaking that rule today." My heart does a little flip at that.

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